God's Eternal Plan By Watchman Nee
Our Eternal God Has an Eternal Plan, and His Plan Far Surpasses the Mere Satisfaction of Our Individual Hopes and Desires. God has His Own Desire, His Own Goal: He will Not Be Satisfied Until Every Trace of Rebellion is Eliminated from the Universe and all Things Are Headed Up in Christ. The Role of the Church is Crucial in the Accomplishment of God's Eternal Plan. Today, Like Never Before, the Church is in the Midst of a Universal Strugle Between God and His Enemy, Satan. This Struggle Began with the Rebellion of Satan, Persisted with Satan's Corruption of Man, and Continues to this Day As the Church Endeavors to Experience and Apply the Effectiveness of Christ's Death on the Cross. The Responsibility for Satan's Defeat Now Rests with the Church, as it Daily Must Seek Through Revelation and Prayer to Advance God's Interest on the Earth and to Shun Every Vestige of Satanic Influence.
In God's Eternal Plan, Watchman Nee Unveils the Unique Position of Man and the Privileged Position of the Church in the Accomplishment of God's Eternal Plan. In Brief Yet Enlightening Messages, He Shows How God Has Chosen to Work Through Man Generally and Through the Church Specifically to Carry out His Desire to Head Up All Things in Christ. May the Goal of Fulfilling God's Plan Be Shared By Everyone Who Names the Name of Our Lord!