Generator Cover is made from lightweight, waterproof and heat resistant material.It is designed to perfectly to fit the generator to protect it from rain and harsh weather conditions.We discovered a problem in Nigeria and proffered a solution to it. A lot of homes and businesses or institutions, are faced with the issue of stable power supply. Given that our country does not have a stable power distribution/supply, a lot of people rely on electric power generator to run their business. The electric power generator work perfectly under favourable weather conditions, but it is a risk to run an electric power generator under harsh weather conditions. Having discovered this over the years, we have come up with a solution that helps defend against harsh weather conditions. We designed a cover that fits the generator perfectly.Made from lightweight, waterproof, heat resistant(insulator) and durable materials, it is not only designed to protect the generator from rain, it acts as insulator and prevents the generator from aging fast. With the roof-like design, it shields and prevents water from getting to internal delicate parts of the generator.Our generator covers are the most reliable ones you can get.
Protect your generator from the elements with Generator Covers. For those who are looking for high quality and long lasting generator covers, we have them for you.It is guaranteed to last long.