Have you ever suddenly discovered that your gas has finished without notice? A few times? This hob helps to ensure that your gas cylinder is properly filled at the re-fill station whereby you know by inspecting the full limit gauge when gas is filled by supplier. The gas regulator helps to detect cylinder leakages and automatically stops the flow of gas to the cooker to prevent wastage and fire outbreak in homes. Finally and most importantly, it helps to monitor the level of the cooking gas with the attached gauge so your gas does not get exhausted at odd hours or in the middle of cooking dinner/lunch/breakfast. It saves you the embarrassment of looking for an alternative.
It will effectively regulate the pressure of gas in your cylinder showing you the exact level of gas in your cylinder
It automatically cut off, flow of gas in case of leakages or over flow of gas
It efficiently and effectively manage your gas content
It has both ON & OFF control switch that can prevent gas shortage or overflow
It also help in making sure that th accurate gas supplied by the seller at the gas station.
Gas saving feature, Gas last longer and cook faster
It can be used in all sizes of domestic cylinders ie, 12.5kg, 25kg, 50kg etc.
It also saves you the embarrassment of looking for an alternative.
Its the best, rugged, reliable, effective and efficient GAS REGULATOR EVER PRODUCED.