Fresh look Colorblends (2 Sterilized) Soft Cosmetic Lens... Everything starts from your eyes!
This All-in-One Cosmetic lens is your everyday secret to beautiful eyes.This Fresh look Colorblends Soft Cosmetic Lens contains:*Two (2) Sterilized Soft Contact lens immersed in a buffered isotonic saline solution*Contact Lens Case*Applicator*Contact Lens Solution- 60ml*Eye DropThat is to say that this pack contains a complete set of all you need for a beautiful eyes.The color of the lens interacts with light to adapt to the shade of the wearer's eyes for a natural look.
FreshLook ColorBlends ® Cosmetic Color contact lenses provide a unique 3-in-1 technology, blending three colours into one to create the subtle, natural depth of beautiful eyes. Blue, Brilliant blue, honey, Gemstone Green, green, Gray, sterling grey, brown, turquoise, amethyst and the latest additions - dramatic new True Sapphire and Pure Hazel.
Freshlook Colorblends cosmetic colour contact lens is perfect for all colours of eyes. The lens is thin but completely opaque, so it works even on very dark eyes.