Motorcraft SAE 5W-30 synthetic blend motor oil is a premium quality passenger or motor oil recommended by Ford motor company and meets all warranty is API certified for gasoline engine service ILSAC GF-5 and meet API SN/resources conserving and SN plus motorcraft SAE 5W-30 synthetic blend motor oil is manufactured with high-viscosity index, premium quality, synthetic/hydroprocessed additives which help minimise engine deposits and wear, protect against high-temperature gelling rust corrosion and foaming. The friction reducing technology in this motor oil provides superior wear protection and energy conserving characteristics, which result in significant in significant improvement in feul economy when compared to SAE 5W-30 motor oil. This oil also meets WSS- M2C9-45- BI and SN plus therefore it can reduced derived low speed pre-ignition. Size:16.1×11.6×9.8cm