Adopted acupuncture points massage and vibration massage modes to promote the blood circulation of the eye skin, enhance the elasticity, relieve eyes fatigue, dilute dark circles, remove eye patch, wrinkles and other eye problems.
Combines silicone and magnet material, safe and effective.
Adjustable head band suits for everyone.
Multi-frequency vibration, 9 modes can be adjusted.
Including 22pcs massage magnet imitate acupuncture massage, which can smooth wrinkles around eyes, increase elasticity of eye skin, improve sleep quality.
Silicone finger-shaped massager heads fit the main acupoints around the eye at maximum, could effectively alleviate the eye fatigue, relax the tense of muscles and nerves.
Visual lens windows allow you to see the surroundings around you.
5 minutes massage, offering great care to your eyes.