Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below is a game developed by and published by . It was released for and in Japan in February 2015, and in North America, Australia and Europe only for PlayStation 4 in October 2015. It was later released for in December 2015. The game received generally positive reviews, with a sequel being released in Japan during May 2016. Dragon Quest Heroes would later be released with the sequel in a compilation for in JapanDragon Quest Heroes mixes the combat of 's series of video games with the characters, monsters, universe, and lore from 's series. The game is much more heavy on RPG elements than most of Omega Force's other titles. The game has a roster of 13 characters that the player can choose from, each having unique weapons and abilities, some of these characters are fan favourite characters but many other characters show up as NPCs.