It has a perfect stimulation mode and its BPA is ideal for easy suction and breast milk storage it's very easy to use and to travel with is unique in nature is enough to contain breast milk for ur baby is a very high and standard quality when it comes to electric USB breast milk extract pump it gives all u want Infact no disappointment on this product it makes the mother's feel relax in their working places knowing full well that u are at the office and still breast feeds ur baby very well it stores enough for ur baby it has adjustable to increase or to decrease when extracting the milk in infact this is all u need as a working class mummy's for assurance that ur baby is not lacking It will be a great joy to you as a mother seen urse lf working and breast feeding ur baby at same time Is ideal for all mother's Whenever u think of electric breast extracting milk pump go to precious Mother care -Mitaper store at jumia online store u will the original.