This DEIONIZED/Distilled WATER is suitable for your inverter battery. It contains mineral ions, and other solid deposits removed.
Contaminants and germs have also been removed from the water by exposure to UV light.
The absence of ions and solid deposits in the water makes it safe for cleaning laboratory apparatus.
It is free from minerals present in tap water; hence it extends your battery life.
It is also useful in steam irons. Adding deionized water to your steam iron helps to prevent corrosion and rust formation.
It is also useful as a solvent for making skincare products. Using deionized water helps prevent skin reactions to the skincare formula you have made.
NOTE: Do not dilute the water before use. Add the deionized water above the plates or cells and check the water level weekly.
Benefits of Deionized Water over tap water:
It is free from contaminants and harmful minerals, solids, and ions.
It helps prevent corrosion.
It helps to prevent scale formation.
It saves cost by preserving your batteries
It is excellent for your aquarium.