LAVIOR Natural Diabetic First Aid Gel is an all-in-one product, specifically formulated for diabetic skin, essential for any first aid kit.
This remarkable gel provides infection protection and helps soothe painful minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.
It is specifically formulated to kill germs and help prevent infection, but also alleviate pain and discomfort. This product will help fight infection and boost the immune system.
LAVIOR Diabetic First Aid Gel is a premium, all-in-one product specifically formulated for diabetic skin. Essential for any first aid kit, this remarkable gel protects against infection and soothes minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.
Specifically formulated to kill germs and help prevent infection, LAVIOR gel also alleviates pain and discomfort.
Ideal for: cuts, scrapes, burns, wounds, dry, rough, cracked or damaged skin
• Essential for any first aid kit
• Antiseptic to kill germs
• Helps prevent infection
• Pain relieving gel
- Ideal for: cuts, scrapes, burns, wounds, dry, rough, cracked or damaged skin
- Essential for any first aid kit
- Antiseptic to kill germs
- Helps prevent infection
- Pain relieving gel
- Antiseptic to kill germs
- Helps prevent infection
- Temporarily relieves pain and itching