Dettol antiseptic disinfectant can be used for cleaning, for laundry and for disinfecting instruments like nail cutters, shaving sticks, clippers, razor blades and pimple extractors.It can also be applied on the skin in direct or indirect form. You can mix it with your bath water or use it in washing soiled hands and feet. It has a rich lather when agitated with a strong, microbe unfriendly odor. Its ingredient formulation is made of Chloroxylenol (which is the active ingredient in Dettol and comprises 4.8% of Dettol's total admixture), pine oil, isopropanol, castor oil, soap and water. Chloroxylenol, dettol's chief antimicrobial ingredient was first made in 1927. It is on the World Health Organization's list of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. Chloroxylenol is most effective against Gram-positive bacteria. It works by disruption of the cell wall and stopping the function of enzymes. So knowing that harmful microbes are all around us, what better way to keep ourselves and our families safe than with Dettol. Antiseptic disinfectant liquid kill bacteria and offer protection from germs. When you have wounds or cuts, they cann be used as an initial treatment to clean the affected area and prevent infections. You can also add drops of antiseptic to your bath water to disinfect it. Some people also add it to their laundry. Even though they are used interchangeably, antiseptics and disinfectants actually differ in terms of what they can be used for.