Dano Cool Cowl Milk Powder refill 750 g . This powdered milk is perfect for your breakfast cereal. This milk powder is perfect for those looking for a rich milky taste. This milk can be drank cold or at room temperature. This milk is creamy and tasty.
Dano Cool Cow Milk is made from pure, fresh, homogenized and pasteurized cow's milk of prime quality. Water has been removed by a special spray process which ensures that all natural food elements are preserved
Dano Full cream milk powder contains all the goodness of natural milk. It is rich in all nutrients found in whole cow's milk. While animal fat is replaced with high quality vegetable oil in Dano Milk which is also highly nutritious and has a natural taste but lower content of saturated On a cold and inky blue morning. When the sun's rays filter through your window blinds, and the