Great First Bike For Toddlers - The kids bikes are designed for children between 1 to 5 years old. The bike for toddler is easy to pedal, stable, and safe so your child can ride it without falling.
A Comfortable Baby Bike - The seat with backrest on these kids riding toys follows the shape and contour of your child's bum and back, allowing for a more comfortable riding experience
Don't Forget The Toys & Snacks - A basket is installed behind the baby tricycle seat. This provides storage for your child's playthings and foods, as well as for any treasure they find during their rides.
Enjoy Them For Longer - High-quality materials like strong frames, EVA tires, and sturdy seats make this toddler tricycle capable of withstanding children's playful and sometimes rough nature.
Kid-Approved Gift - The tricycle for toddlers is a great gift idea. It's a fun way to
help kids develop their motor skills, focus, and balance while teaching them to enjoy physical exercise.The tricycle is an excellent first bike for toddlers. With its 3-wheel design, it's much more stable to ride on so you and your child don't have to worry about toppling over and falling down while riding. This makes it a safer alternative to its 2-wheeled cousin, the bicycle, and gives you more peace of mind.
Aside from being a great way to learn how to ride bikes, riding tricycles can also help your child develop certain skills like balancing and gross motor skills. Pedalling the bike, especially when done regularly, may also help strengthen their leg and core muscles.
In addition, riding this tricycle helps them develop self-confidence and independence. This is especially true when they're left to pedal and steer on their own. All of these positive effects on their physical and mental well-being will definitely be helpful as they grow up.
Key Features
Great for indoor and outdoor use
Comfortable easy-grip handle
Get your child a toy that is not just enjoyable but helps with their development as well.
All of these positive effects on their physical and mental well-being will definitely be helpful as they grow up.
It's a fun way to help kids develop their motor skills, focus, and balance while teaching them to enjoy physical exercise.
What's In the Box
Children Tricycle x 1