Ideal scientific calculatorFX-991 Es plus 2nd edition is perfect for Higher Institution and secondary schools engineering and science students as well as teachers and professionals.
The Natural Display (Natural-V.P.A.M.) shows mathematical expressions like roots and fractions as they appear in your textbook, and this increases comprehension because results are easier to understand.
Highly visible, easy-to-press cursor keys and function keys
Comes with slide-on hard case which is attachable and detachable in both the directions
2 Level Authenticity Check
Before and After purchase, with QR code feature. Scan QR code to check for authenticity.
Number of Functions : 417
Support Statistic Trigonometry, permutation & combination, logarithmic, integration, differential, simultaneous & polynomial equation, vector, matrix, complex numbers, Base-n calculations and many more
Type :Scientific ;Power Source: Battery/Solar ; Size:Handheld ;Display Type :Large; Key Size: Regular ; Plastic Keys ,Natural V.P.A.M. Display ,Dot Matrix Display,15 and 10+2 Digits Display,Numerical Integral and Differential Calculus ,Random Integers ;New Equation Mode,Improved Equation Mode ,Random Integers ,STO/RCL Keys and Scientific Functions ,Statistics ,Calculates with Complex Numbers and on the Basis of n ,Multi Replay Function and List Based Stat