The Mighty Strap Wrench Problem Solver
Strap wrenches are good to have around. This might not be the sort of tool you use on a daily or even regular basis, but it’s the sort of tool that can get you out of a bind really quick.
You can use them on knobs, pipes, larger diameter fittings, and other types of cylindrical or cylindrical-ish objects that are difficult to tighten or loosen by hand. And since straps are typically made from rubber, webbing, or similar materials, they’re non-marring and won’t damage whatever you’re working on.
Every strap wrench is more or less similar in design. You have an adjustable strap which typically locks into position passively, and a handle by which to apply leverage. Strap wrenches are usually designed to be used in one direction, as it’s tension during use that keeps the strap adjusted and locked to length.
If you don’t yet have a strap wrench in your toolbox, I recommend starting off with a 6″ size. That way, if you don’t use it very much for your projects, you could always use it in the kitchen as a heavy duty jar opener.