In a distant corner of the universe, a devastating conflict is about to erupt between two very different worlds. On the planet of Pandora reside an indigenous people known as the Na'vi. When the Na'vi find themselves engaged in a struggle with the RDA Corporation, a space-faring consortium in search of valuable resources, it sets the stage for a conflict unlike any the universe has seen before. Step into a dazzling world from the imagination of James Cameron and take your stand in the battle to determine the fate of a civilization.
| Synopsis James Cameron's Avatar: The Game allows you to step inside the world of the feature film and go deep into the heart of Pandora and its people. Choose to fight for either RDA or the Na'vi, arming yourself with any of dozens of customizable weapons and a variety of clan-specific skills. Acquire new skills as you advance through the game, giving your all in the epic battle for a planet and a people. |