Snoring is a sign of obstruction of the airway and prevents the snorer from breathing adequately during sleep, thereby losing sleep time. Loss of sleep can lead to; experiencing morning headaches,feeling burnout, poor memory and, concentration.
This anti-snoring solution is designed to maintain a slightly, forward position of the mouth and jaw, hence the passage of air that triggers snoring is prevented.
It also solves the issue of the dropping back of the tongue to the throat by keeping the tongue in place making it an effective remedy in eliminating snoring that is a product of blocked passageway.
It is made of high quality lightweight breathable neopre (wetsuit material). The Velcro strap at the top of the head allows for a one size fits all design.
The stop snoring chin Jaw strap support works;
for people that snore with their mouth open.
It provides help with Snoring,
Sleep Apnea,
Teeth Grinding, Bruxism & TMJ Pain by properly positioning your jaw.