Norland Anion Sanitary Pad is an exceptional pad, made from breathable materials, 100% absorbent, and prevents leakage. It comes with a self-tester that helps you know when there’s an infection in your body.
Top Benefits:
- It relieves menstrual pains and cramps.
- It helps remove toxins from the body during menstruation.
- It eliminates infections such as Candida, Yeast infections, dryness in the vagina, gonorrhea, abnormal and smelly discharge.
- It contains anions that prolong life, accelerate blood circulation, and speed up the discharge of toxins during periods.
- It eliminates odor and helps relieve stress.
- It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.
- Energizes the body.
- It promotes metabolism and can also absorb up to 200ml of flow.
- Improves endocrine function.
- Enhances immunity.
Proven treatments:
- Irregular/Painful menstruation.
- Abnormal and smelly discharge.
- Vaginal itching.
- Excessive vaginal discharge.
- Yeast infections.
- Bladder infection.