Product Benefits: Exercising with these four handled bikes helps in the Increased supply of oxygen /nutrients to cells throughout the body. Blood circulation is improved. The strain on the heart is eased through the normal return of blood to this vital organ, especially in cases of forced inactivity due to illness or injury. Lymph fluid, (a major part of the body's immune system) is moved efficiently throughout the body, helping /strengthening the immune system also eliminating toxic waste. -It also works for both upper and lower parts of the body. Product Features:*Computer Display: Heart Motor Rate,Time, Distance, Calories, and Speed.*Adjustable Seat and many more.
Orbitrack elliptical bike for cardiovascular exercise. It is essential for losing weight and burning off calories and body fat. Good for building heart muscles. It has an LCD screen showing: Pulse, Calorie count, Time, Speed, Distance.
Stainless steel
functions: Speed, Distance, Time
The seat is adjustable and comfortable
Firm up your hips and thighs for a well-toned shape