Amaze is Manufactured with best tubular plates in order to make it more active and enhance the battery performance and improve the life cycle of our battery.
The battery offers advanced battery technology that's virtually fail-safe and fool-proof, giving you a product that you will use with peace of mind, definite to give you long battery life. Multiple effect battery is rugged and designed to deliver a longer life service. Pure Energy battery is also designed to withstand stress, whether from the weather or heavy usage arising from the acute power shortage. Simply, you get extended lifespan. So, with Amaze Tubular battery, you get peak performance and battery durability. The rugged performance of this inverter battery brand is the result of its advanced battery technology and special product features.
This Amaze Tubular offers advanced battery technology that's virtually fail-safe and fool-proof, giving you a product that you will use with peace of mind, definite to give you long battery life. Amaze battery is rugged and designed to deliver a longer life cycle. It is also designed to withstand stress, whether from the weather or heavy usage arising from the acute power shortage. Simply, you get extended lifespan. So, with the Tubular battery, you get peak performance and battery durability.
The rugged performance of this inverter battery brand is the result of its advanced battery technology and special product features.
We also use high charging electrolytes: this makes it run for life and improve the discharge performance of the battery, hence ensures fast recovery of sparked cells.
To sum it all; it has long life Tubular Solar Inverter Battery.