12V - 200Ah SMF Deep Cycle VRLA Inverter Battery
Prepaid only.Okaya batteries have always stood the test of time,year after year,for their all-round engineering excellence.Not only are they long lasting and durable,but also a product that exudes reliability and sustainability.Among the manufactured range,SMF battery holds on its own for the same qualities the brand is synonymous with.Each SMF battery is made keeping in mind highest industry standards and technical specifications.High performance is an absolute certainty of such a product to meet the requirements of growing tribe of pan-india customers.Every piece is manufactured by leveraging the superior Japanese technology so that the quality is always a foregone conclusion.Okaya batteries have always stood the test of time,year after year,for their all-round engineering excellence.Not only are they long lasting and durable,but also a product that exudes reliability and sustainability.Among the manufactured range,SMF battery holds on its own for the same qualities the brand is synonymous with.Each SMF battery is made keeping in mind highest industry standards and technical specifications.High performance is an absolute certainty of such a product to meet the requirements of growing tribe of pan-india customers.Every piece is manufactured by leveraging the superior Japanese technology so that the quality is always a foregone conclusion.Okaya batteries have always stood the test of time,year after year,for their all-round engineering excellence.Not only are they long lasting and durable,but also a product that exudes reliability and sustainability.Among the manufactured range,SMF battery holds on its own for the same qualities the brand is synonymous with.Each SMF battery is made keeping in mind highest industry standards and technical specifications.High performance is an absolute certainty of such a product to meet the requirements of growing tribe of pan-india customers.Every piece is manufactured by leveraging the superior Japanese technology so that the quality is always a foregone conclusion.Okaya batteries have always stood the test of time,year after year,for their all-round engineering excellence.Not only are they long lasting and durable,but also a product that exudes reliability and sustainability.Among the manufactured range,SMF battery holds on its own for the same qualities the brand is synonymous with.Each SMF battery is made keeping in mind highest industry standards and technical specifications.High performance is an absolute certainty of such a product to meet the requirements of growing tribe of pan-india customers.Every piece is manufactured by leveraging the superior Japanese technology so that the quality is always a foregone conclusion.Key Features Prepaid onlyVoltage: 12 V Warranty: 1 Month
Color: Black Battery Type: SMF Battery Capacity: 200 AH