Beauveria Bassiana
BEAUVERIA BASSIANABeauveria bassiana insecticide spray for agricultural pest controlBeauveria bassiana is a naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungus that is not only effective for fungi insect control, but also pet safe indoor insecticide. This fungus is widely used as an agricultural pest control insecticide, specifically for the treatment of aphids and other soft-bodied insects in greenhouse, field, and nursery crops. This environmentally safe technique provides an alternative to chemical insecticides used in agricultural pest control, and is also a safe option for pet owners with indoor plants who want to use pet safe indoor insecticide. For those looking for where to buy the strain powder products online, Novobac is the best supplier option to consider due to their reliable and high-quality products.Target Insect• Whitefly • Aphids• Thrips • Spider Mites• Psyllids • Mealy bugs• Lepidoptera • BeetlesMode of ActionThe spores are highly effective in agricultural pest control by working as an insecticide for aphids and other pests. It takes 0-6 hours for the spores to adhere to the host insect, before beginning to germinate 6-12 hours after coming into contact with the bug. The spores land on the target insect pest's cuticle (skin), where they germinate and develop through the cuticle to the host's inner body.By absorbing nutrients from the insect, the fungus multiplies and colonizes the entire insect, depriving it of nutrients and causing the infected insects to eventually perish within 24 to 48 hours. This makes natural insecticides for aphids an environmentally safe method of insect control, providing an alternative to chemical insecticides used in agricultural pest control. For those looking for effective insecticides for aphids and other pests, the natural insecticide for houseplantsis highly recommended.BenefitsBroad Spetrum organic insecticide and pesticideComprehensive eradication of a variety of common pests.Effective insecticide at all phases of life, with the highest results at low numbersGreater application flexibility, especially around harvest timeOption for managing innovation resistance to reduce demand on traditional pesticidesln addition to the release of beneficial speciesSimpler adherence to changing consumer expectations and legal requirementsApplication & DosageApply 2-3 gramspowder per liter water by foliar spray.Use 500-2500 L/ha of water to provide complete spray coverage, but do not go past the point of run-off.Apply as soon as the aphids, thrips or whiteflies insect problem first appears.Apply again at intervals long enough to maintain control, often 3-10 days, depending on the rate of plant growth, the activity of insects, and other elements.If you want to control an insect population with a single application, treat the area as soon as the eggs start to hatch but before any damage is done financially.Optimal ConditionsThe pesticide for indoor plants should typically be easy to use in the most advantageous circumstances because of use in protected cropping:Success factorsApply beauveria bassiana early in the growth of the population, its effectiveness is influenced by coverage because it is a contact natural insecticide.To achieve comprehensive spray coverage at high water rates, use 500-2500L/ha of water, but do not go over the point of runoff.Application frequency will be determined by:The Atmosphere (such as whether plants are protected or outdoors)The method of applying the insecticides for aphids (foliar or drench) in houseplants or plantsThe population and economic thresholds for the targeted insectsThe pet safe indoor insecticide application should start in the early stages of population growth.In order to achieve satisfactory agricultural pest control, larger insect populations would necessitate the use of chemical pesticides for knockdown and shorter application intervals of the pesticide for indoor plants to 3-5 days to kill.Product Facts:Formulation TypePowder Form and Granular FormAvailable SpecificationBacteria count :Powder Form 1 x 10^10 cfu/g, 2 x 10^10 cfu/g, 4 x 10^10 cfu/gGranular Form 2 x 10^8 cfu/gramSolubilityWater SoluablePackaging1 kg per foil bag or 25 kg per kraft paper bagShelf Life and Storage18 months when stored properly in a cool and dry place.Keep out of direct sunshine and moisture.Once opened, use it within 30 days to prevent activation.Stay away from children.MORE INFORMATIONWe are here to help youInquiry NowPartner with usRelated ProductsBacillus PumilusPenicillium BilaiaeBacillus Licheniformis
Beauveria Bassiana
₦ 146,372.74
₦ 154,076.57
Trichoderma Harzianum
TRICHODERMA HARZIANUMTrichoderma spores for indoor and outdoor plants disease controlTrichoderma harzianum is a biological control agent for plants roots diseases such as root rot in agriculture. Garden friendly fungicide, containing Trichoderma spores, is often applied to the soil around plants or foliar spray to the plant itself. The natural fungicide for indoor plants, containing Trichoderma spores, has been shown to increase the uptake of nutrients from the soil, improve the structure of the soil, and stimulate root growth in plants. If you are looking for trichoderma harzianum garden fungicide, Novobac is your reliable option of manufacturer.Target DiseaseFusarium • SclerotiniaPythium • RhizoctoniaThielaviopsis • Cylindrocladium Mode of ActionCreate secondary metabolites to stop pathogenic fungus' growth, reproduction, and infection.Pathogenic bacteria's cell walls are broken down by enzymes released during intense parasitism.Stimulate the plant's immune system and encourage crops to become more disease resistant.They create secondary metabolites to stop pathogenic fungus' growth, reproduction, and infection.Pathogenic bacteria' s cell walls are broken down by enzymes released during intense parasitism.BenefitsEffective biocontrol the soil borne disease caused by Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium, Thielaviopsis, and Cylindrocladium.Encourage root system expansion and improve plant's ability to absorb nutrients and moistureBoost crop quality and output potential.Harmless to the environment and cropsImprove soil health without introducing resistance or residual issuesIncrease your ability to withstand biotic challenges including heat, salt, and drought.Application RateFor best results, apply natural garden fungicide1.5-3 kg per acre as soon as possible to the crop.To extend root protection for season-long control, reapply fungicide for indoor plants after 10-12 weeks.Can be applied to plants using a range of methods, including broadcast application, hill dressing, drill fertilization, root irrigation, and soil incorporation.How to use Trichoderma for plants?Before using T. harzianum products, it is important to clean your spray equipment to ensure that there are no traces of previous pesticides present.To use the fungus trichoderma for plants, dissolve it in a small amount of water and agitate the solution to ensure proper dispersion. Pre-mixing the garden friendly fungicide is not necessary.Then, add the solution to the spray or irrigation tank with the required amount of water, stirring continuously to ensure that it is thoroughly mixed.You can also use a dosing pump such as a dosatron to apply the product. Keep in mind that the solution should be agitated regularly to prevent precipitation.T. harzianum fungicide for indoor plants is most effective at temperatures between 10°C and 35°C and at a pH between 4 and 10. It is more effective in neutral or acidic soils than in alkaline ones.You can apply trichoderma for plants to sterilized or fumigated soil, but you must do so after the sterilization or fumigation process.See different for yourself Fusarium Control and Trichoderma Treatment Trichoderma Treated For Plant GrowthRelated ProductsStreptomyces MicroflavusBacillus ThuringiensisBeauveria BassianaProduct Facts:Available SpecificationBacteria count : 2×10^9 cfu/g, 5x 10^9 cfu/g , 1 x 10^10 cfu/gActive IngredientTrichoderma Harzianum Strain T17Formulation TypeWettable Powder & Granular TypePackagingTrichoderma 1 kg per bag or 25 kg per kraft paper bagShelf Life and Storage18 months when stored properly in a cool and dry place.Keep out of direct sunshine and moisture.Once opened, use it within 30 days to prevent activation.Stay away from children.
Trichoderma Harzianum
₦ 121,990.59
₦ 128,411.15
Denitrifying Bacteria
Denitrifying bacteria is containing fast-acting and robust micro-organism that work in a wide range of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment processes. It increases start-up speed, improves denitrification stability, shortens recovery time after upsets, and reduces the risk of non-compliance of nitrate and total nitrogen. Contact Us for Denitrifying Bacteria Nitrate Remove In Wastewater.Wastewater Nitrate Removal BenefitsWastewater Nitrate Removal from Tangsons Biotech. Nitrate removal from wastewater by biological methods. Effective removal of nitrate and total nitrogen from wastewater, remove NO3 to Under 1 mg/LApplicationDenitrification tankAnoxic tankSeptic tankSanitary pipelineSewer lineFacutative pondSBR BenefitEffective removal of nitrate and total nitrogen, degrade NO3 into N2Maintain NO3 and TN discharge compliancesSpeed up the denitrification process to minimize lag timeRestore denitrification system following toxic shock loading or operation failureImproved ability to handle higher hydraulic loads and shock loads100% natural, chemical free, eco-friendly solution;Dosage & MethodDosage rates are varying to specific project information, please contact with us and we'll help you work it out.Dissolve with water at 1: 20 ratios; keep settling 2 hrs for activation before dosing .Routine dosing can keep performance.Condition: D.O
Denitrifying Bacteria
₦ 101,347.26
₦ 106,681.33
Organic Compost Starter
Organic compost starter contains naturally occurring micro-organisms that accelerate the conversion of organic matter to highly rich compost or organic manure that you can use for agricultural activities and gardening. Organic Compost Starter contains special rapidly growing aerobic strains that do not cause putrefaction. These beneficial microbes and bacteria ensure that there is no or minimal production of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, thus eliminating the concerns of strong foul odours emanating from the compost pile. It contains thermophiles that thrive in compost pile heat and further accelerate the decomposition process. ApplicationManure compostingSludge compostingSoild Waste CompostingBenefitHastens the composting processCurbs the emission of foul odourQuick rise temperature to composting requirementActs as soil conditionerCurtails the growth of undesirable pathogens Enhances the quality of final compost productReduce environmental pollution and also aid in alleviation of povertyDosage & MethodDose 1 kg of Quick Compost is required for 1 TON of solid waste.The powder needs to be mixed with water before spraying it to the compost pile.Moisture content of the pile needs to be maintained around 30-50% throughout the process.Overturning of the compost pile on every alternative day ensures better aeration and faster biodegradation.
Organic Compost Starter
₦ 109,080.52
₦ 114,821.60