Aloe Vite Health Drink ( Aloe Ferox, Ginseng & Green Tea)
A daily refreshing blend of anti-oxidants that boost the body's immune system to protect itself, combined with ginseng for energy.This potent nutrient-rich health drink containing Aloe Ferox, Sutherlandia (a traditional African herb called the Cancer Bush), Ginseng and Green Tea is a powerful wellness booster.It helps to improve the general health of the body, supports the digestive system, promotes a healthy immune system, thereby protecting against illness. ALOE FEROXAloe Ferox has been used in traditional medicine for many centuries to boost the immune system as it has strong anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties.GREEN TEAGreen tea has strong antimicrobial properties from compounds called catechins which have been proven to boost the body's natural immune system.SUTHERLANDIA (CANCER BUSH)A traditional African herbal adaptogen which helps maintain health by increasing the body's ability to adapt to environmental and internal stress by strengthening the immune and nervous systems.GINSENGPotent Antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, as well as help fight tiredness and increase energy levels.WHO NEEDS ALOEVITE ?EVERYONE NEEDS ALOEVITE: *VERY GOOD FOR IMMUNE BOOSTING*CONTAINS ANTI-CANCER AGENTS*WONDERFUL FOR DIABETES.*HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (with kardiogarde and omega plus)*POOR SEXUAL PERFORMANCE (with rockgarde)*IT DETOXES.*ARTHRITIS*GOUT*IT HAS ALOE FEROX,ALOE VERA AND OTHER AFRICAN HERBS THAT ENHANCE OUR BODY METABOLISM.MAKE YOUR ORDER NOW.Key FeaturesKEEPS YOU HYDRATEDNUTRITION BOOSTHEARTBURN RELIEFDIGESTIVE BENEFITS PROMOTE CLEAR SKINHEALTHY LIVER FUNCTIONBALANCE BODY'S ALKALINITYREDUCE GUM INFLAMMATIONHELPS TO CONTROL BLOOD SUGAR LEVELSANTI-OXIDANT RICH TO BOOST IMMUNE HEALTHWhat's In the Boxbottles of Aloe vite
40 Plus For Women (hormonal Balancer And Menopause Buster
Many symptoms of menopause and hormonal imbalance occur as a result of falling estrogen levels in the body, resulting in symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, hair loss, acne, failing bones and others.40 plus for women is a blend of soya Isoflavones, zinc, calcium, magnesium, , 10 vitamins and amino acids to give you balanced hormones.*SOYA ISOFLAVONESare a group of naturally occuring chemicals that mimic the overall shape of estrogen in the body. In many ways they can be thought of as plant-based oestrogen alternatives.-MENOPAUSESoya Isoflavins help to raise estrogen levels naturally in menopausal women and women suffering from hormonal imbalance which can experience a drastic estrogen reduction.-OSTEOPOROSISSoya Isoflavins help increase bone mineral density, especially women suffering from hormonal imbalance and menopausal symptoms thereby helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.-HEART HEALTH Soy contains omega-3 fats and essential polyunsaturated fats. Omega-3 fats are linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.-BLOOD PRESSURESoya contains amino acids that can help to promote heart health in women.*DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 tablet daily or as directed.*PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 18 years.Key Featuresthe promotion of heart health the maintenance of bone health in post-menopausal women as well as help to alleviate menopause symptomsPromotes ovulation Eases anxiety and depression Good anti aging supplementWhat's In the Box1 bottle of 40 plus for women
40 Plus For Men (Hormonal Balancer)
40 PLUS FOR MEN Saw Palmetto plant benefits have been known for a long time. The plant was used for medicine by the Native Americans of the South Eastern United States. In the early 20th century, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems and increase sperm production.BENEFITS: This complex multi-vitamin and mineral supplement provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health, which boost overall vitality and health, especially for men over the age of 40. It contains a combination of botanical ingredients such as Saw Palmetto to promote male vitality. It supports prostate and urinary tract health and is beneficial for men who suffer from prostate problems. Men with prostate issues should use with Aloe vite.INGREDIENTS CALCIUM CARBONATE PHOSPHORUS MAGNESIUM OXIDE VITAMIN C CHLORIDE SAW PALMETTO ALOE FERROX ZINC OXIDE NIACIN (VIT B3) IRON SULPHATE PANTOTHENIC ACID (VIT B5) VITAMIN A VITAMIN D3 MANGANESE PYRODOXINE (VIT B6) RIBOFLAVIN (VIT B2) VITAMIN E THIAMINE (VIT B1) COPPER FOLIC ACID (VIT B9) LUTEIN LYCOPENE BORON IODINE SELENIUM*Health Benefits:* Prevents and treat Urinary tract infection in Men. Increases Sperm Count. Treats Prostate problems. Treats Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer Helps to Maintain normal testosterone Levels . Promote Sexual drive( increases urge for Sex) Supports the Urological System in Men. Relieves the Swelling of the Prostate gland.. Helps Easy Urination in Men. Invigorates the Male Reproductive Organs. Enhances Sexual performance. Boosts the energy level of the body . A Complete Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement that provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health. Boost Overall Vitality and Health of Men. Increases Sperm Count. Removes stress and builds the body immune system in Men It prevents weak Erection and Premature Ejaculation Provide Overall Male reproductive well- being. It provides full anti- Oxidant Support to improve Sperm Shape and Size by preventing free radical damage to Sperm. It contains Selenium which has been proven to improve Sperm motility, Concentration and Morphology Serves as an Ideal tonic for menDIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 1 capsule daily or as directed.Key FeaturesPROSTATE. Saw Palmetto is one of only 5 alternative medicines that aid in prostate cancer. HAIR LOSS Saw Palmetto has the power to stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which causes hair loss. TESTOSTERONE Saw Palmetto helps maintain normal testosterone levels and sex drive. UROLOGY Supports the urological system in men. Effective in improving urological symptoms and urine flow.
40 Plus For Men (hormonal Balancer And Menopause Buster)
40 PLUS FOR MEN Saw Palmetto plant benefits have been known for a long time. The plant was used for medicine by the Native Americans of the South Eastern United States. In the early 20th century, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems and increase sperm production.BENEFITS: This complex multi-vitamin and mineral supplement provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health, which boost overall vitality and health, especially for men over the age of 40. It contains a combination of botanical ingredients such as Saw Palmetto to promote male vitality. It supports prostate and urinary tract health and is beneficial for men who suffer from prostate problems. Men with prostate issues should use with Aloe vite.INGREDIENTS CALCIUM CARBONATE PHOSPHORUS MAGNESIUM OXIDE VITAMIN C CHLORIDE SAW PALMETTO ALOE FERROX ZINC OXIDE NIACIN (VIT B3) IRON SULPHATE PANTOTHENIC ACID (VIT B5) VITAMIN A VITAMIN D3 MANGANESE PYRODOXINE (VIT B6) RIBOFLAVIN (VIT B2) VITAMIN E THIAMINE (VIT B1) COPPER (VIT B9) LUTEIN LYCOPENE BORON IODINE SELENIUM*Health Benefits:* Prevents and treat Urinary tract infection in Men. Increases Sperm Count. Treats Prostate problems. Treats Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer Helps to Maintain normal Levels . Promote Sexual drive( increases urge for Sex) Supports the Urological System in Men. Relieves the Swelling of the Prostate gland.. Helps Easy Urination in Men. Invigorates the Male Reproductive Organs. Enhances Sexual performance. Boosts the energy level of the body . A Complete Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement that provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health. Boost Overall Vitality and Health of Men. Increases Sperm Count. Removes stress and builds the body immune system in Men It prevents weak Erection and Premature Ejaculation Provide Overall Male reproductive well- being. It provides full anti- Oxidant Support to improve Sperm Shape and Size by preventing free radical damage to Sperm. It contains Selenium which has been proven to improve Sperm motility, Concentration and Morphology Serves as an Ideal tonic for menDIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 1 capsule daily or as directed.Key FeaturesVITAMIN K2: vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calciummetabolism and heart health. In a Rotterdam scientific study spanning 7-10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease.VITAMIN D3: A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovasular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Memory (brain) Booster Solution Pack
Nafdac details: A7-4286,Are you becoming too forgetful?Do you need to boost the retentive abilities of your brain cells when preparing for an exam?Are you suffering from a health condition that restricts the flow of oxygen to the brain that has led to a stroke or migraine?If yes is your answer, please get the above pack immediately. Memorygarde: contains ginkgo biloba which boosts memory, brain function and health; L-carnitine and L-tyrosine, these amino acids helps increase neurotransmitters that improve performance in stressful conditions, brain cells health, protection and recovery.Omega plus: contains omega 3 which is essential for brain development; also reduces symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder.It boosts flow of blood(oxygen) to the brain.Dosage: 4-12 years:Omega plus: 1 dailyMemorygarde: 1 once in 3 days12-17 years: Memorygarde: 1 dailyOmega plus: 1 dailyAdults: Memorygarde: 2 dailyRoyal jelly: 2 dailyProB: 1 daily If suffering from stroke; add Aloevite, kardiogarde and omega plus. use for at least 6 months continuously.Key FeaturesBoosts memoryProtects the brainBoost flow of oxygen to the brainIncrease moodBoosts immunityWhat's In the Box1 memorygarde,and 1 ProB
BUCHU DETOX DRINK (with Dandelion, Ginger And Turmeric)
Nafdac number: A7-4082LBuchu Detox is a high potency health drink containing specially selected ingredients which are Buchu extract, Tumeric root extract, Ginger, Vitamin C, Black walnut andDandelion Extract. This herbal drink helps to improve the general health of the body by boosting the body's system, thereby protecting against sickness. It is especially useful in detoxification and colon cleansing , assists with normalizing blood sugar and Cleanses the bladder and deals with Urinary Tract Infection. Buchu detox is well known for its inflammatory properties which makes it beneficial for Gout. It is scientifically formulated to enhance and mobilise the body's natural defense against external bodies while fighting those ones found there.HEALTH BENEFITSBeneficial for detoxification and colon cleansing. Helps improve blood circulation Has antibacterial properties Assists with normalizing blood sugar Has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it beneficial for Gout , Arthritis and Prostrate problems. Cleanses the bladder and deals with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)Helps in cleansing an Acidic systemAids body AlkalinityHelps the balance body pHHelps to Control and Regulate High Blood Sugar.Direction: Drink four full tablespoons(60ml)daily or as prescribed. Key FeaturesBeneficial for detoxification of the systemImproves blood circulationHelps normalise blood sugar levelReduce constipationProvides anti-bacterial actionBeneficial for detoxification and colon cleansing. Helps improve blood circulation Has antibacterial properties Assists with normalizing blood sugar Has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it beneficial for Gout , Arthritis and Prostrate problems. Cleanses the bladder and deals with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)What's In the BoxBottle(s) of Buchu detox
Calmeeze (restful Sleep) With Valerian
Nafdac details: A7-4300LCalm Booster A natural blend of ingredients to help you deal with the stress of a busy life. It will help you sleep well and wake up well rested and ready for the day.BENEFITS: VALERIAN:Valerian is a flowering plant native to Europe and parts of Asia and since ancient times. The root extract has been used to help the body produce a calming effect when stressed. Valerian has also been found to inhibit the breakdown of a chemical messenger, (GABA), in the brain, that helps regulate nerve impulses resulting in feelings of calmness and tranquility.CALCIUM:Calcium in muscle cells, nerve endings release calcium ions, which bind to activator proteins. These activator proteins initiate the complex process of muscle contraction and allows your muscles to move. Without calcium, your muscles would not be able to move smoothly or relax.DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 1 tablet daily or when moderately stressed.Note: not recommended for pregnant and nursing moms.Key FeaturesSMILE MORE BREATHE DEEPLY FOR A MINUTE CALL A FRIEND VISUALISE A HAPPY TIME LISTEN TO MUSIC GIVE SOMEONE A HUG GET ENOUGH SLEEP. What's In the BoxCalmeeze
Buchu Detox With Dandelion, Turmeric, Ginger And Buchu
Buchu Detox is a high potency health drink containing specially selected ingredients which are Buchu extract, Tumeric root extract, Ginger, Vitamin C, Black walnut and Dandelion Extract. This herbal drink helps to improve the general health of the body by boosting the body's system, thereby protecting against sickness. It is especially useful in detoxification and colon cleansing , assists with normalizing blood sugar and Cleanses the bladder and deals with Urinary Tract Infection. Buchu detox is well known for its inflammatory properties which makes it beneficial for Gout. It is scientifically formulated to enhance and mobilise the body's natural defense against external bodies while fighting those ones found there.HEALTH BENEFITS*Beneficial for detoxification and colon cleansing. *Helps improve blood circulation *Has antibacterial properties *Assists with normalizing blood sugar *Has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it beneficial for Gout , Arthritis and Prostrate problems. *Cleanses the bladder and deals with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)*Helps in cleansing an Acidic system*Aids body Alkalinity*Helps the balance body pH*Helps to Control and Regulate High Blood Sugar.Direction: Drink four full tablespoons(60ml)daily or as prescribed. Not recommended for ulcer patientsKey FeaturesBeneficial for detoxification of the systemImproves blood circulationReduce constipationProvides anti-bacterial actionBeneficial for detoxification and colon cleansing. Helps improve blood circulation Has antibacterial properties Assists with normalizing blood sugar Has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it beneficial for Gout , Arthritis and Prostrate problems. Cleanses the bladder and deals with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)What's In the Box1 buchu detox
Memory Garde (Brain Booster With Choline & Ginkgo)
BRAIN/ MEMORY BOOSTERA scientific formula to enhance neurotransmitter function in the brain, which can assist with enhanced memory, concentration and learning ability.BENEFITSThis is a unique blend that combines the benefits of Choline, vitamins B12 & B5 and other minerals to support brain function and can help enhance memory and concentration.ACETYL-L-CARNITINEA type of amino acid that can improve several aspects of brain cell health, protection and recovery.L-TYROSINEAn amino acid that helps to increase neurotransmitters, which may help improve memory and learning performance.CHOLINECholine helps produce an important neurotransmitter that is involved in memory, muscle movement, regulating heartbeat and basic brain function.GINKGO BILOBAGinkgo Biloba improves blood flow to the brain and acts as an anti-oxidant. These act as an anti-oxidant. These properties may boost memory and cognitive speed.VITAMIN B6Helps to create neurotransmitters, which are important messangers in the brain, as well as help regulate energy used in the brain.AN ADDITIONAL REASON TO EXCEL ACADEMICALLYThose days as an undergraduate, I remember when some students go the extra-mile in preparing for their exams. Various stimulants are taken to help some read for longer hours and to aid the brain's retentive abilities. Well, some suffer severe burn- outs and hallucinations from such activities and many times, may require medical assistance to get back their health. So, are you a student? Are you preparing for an exam? Do you frequently battle with migraines or depression? Pay attention to this product from Healthgarde.Memogarde is not for university students alone; parents should order for their younger children and themselves too.Imagine having all of this in one capsule, as it comes in handy to help you excel academically, just remember, you now have an additional reason to excel in your academics courtesy of Healthgarde.Place your orders now while stock lasts.Dosage: 1 daily Key FeaturesEnhanced neurological functions Improved brain cell growthProtects eye from excess glutamateImproved brain and mental alertness What's In the Box1 memogarde
Aloe Vite (Immunity Protector, Extra Strong)
Nafdac number: A7-4081LA daily refreshing blend of anti-oxidants that boost the body's immune system to protect itself, combined with ginseng for energy.This potent nutrient-rich supplement containing Aloe Vera, Vitamin C, Ginseng, Green Tea and Sutherlandia (a traditional African herb called the Cancer Bush), is a powerful wellness booster.It helps to improve the general health of the body, supports the digestive system, promotes a healthy immune system, thereby protecting against illness. Turmeric is a strong natural anti-inflammatory compound that can dramatically increase the anti-oxidant capacity of the body.ALOE FEROXAloe Ferox has been used in traditional medicine for many centuries to boost the immune system as it has strong anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties.GREEN TEAGreen tea has strong antimicrobial properties from compounds called catechins which have been proven to boost the body's natural immune system.SUTHERLANDIA (CANCER BUSH)A traditional African herbal adaptogen which helps maintain health by increasing the body's ability to adapt to environmental and internal stress by strengthening the immune and nervous systems.GINSENGPotent Antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, as well as help fight tiredness and increase energy levels.Adults:Use half glass first thing in the morning; an hour before meal or last thing at night.Key FeaturesKEEPS YOU HYDRATEDNUTRITION BOOSTHEARTBURN RELIEFDIGESTIVE BENEFITS PROMOTE CLEAR SKINHEALTHY LIVER FUNCTIONBALANCE BODY'S ALKALINITYREDUCE GUM INFLAMMATIONHELPS TO CONTROL BLOOD SUGAR LEVELSANTI-OXIDANT RICH TO BOOST IMMUNE HEALTH
Memory (brain) Booster Pack
Nafdac details: A7-4286,Are you becoming too forgetful?Do you need to boost the retentive abilities of your brain cells when preparing for an exam?Are you suffering from a health condition that restricts the flow of oxygen to the brain that has led to a stroke or migraine?If yes is your answer, please get the above pack immediately. Memorygarde: contains ginkgo biloba which boosts memory, brain function and health; L-carnitine and L-tyrosine, these amino acids helps increase neurotransmitters that improve performance in stressful conditions, brain cells health, protection and recovery.Omega plus: contains omega 3 which is essential for brain development; also reduces symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder.It boosts flow of blood(oxygen) to the brain.Dosage: 4-12 years:Omega plus: 1 dailyMemorygarde: 1 once in 3 days12-17 years: Memorygarde: 1 dailyOmega plus: 1 dailyAdults: Memorygarde: 2 dailyRoyal jelly: 2 dailyProB: 1 daily If suffering from stroke; add Aloevite, kardiogarde and omega plus. use for at least 6 months continuously.Key FeaturesBoosts memoryProtects the brainBoost flow of oxygen to the brainIncrease moodBoosts immunityWhat's In the Box1 memorygarde,and 1 ProB
Memory (brain) Booster Pack
₦ 103,983.60
₦ 109,456.42
Eye Garde Eyesight Booster With Billberry & Beta Carotene
Nafdac number: A7-4083Eye Garde Eyesight Booster with Billberry & Beta CaroteneA formula that helps boost eye health on a cellular level by promoting blood supply to eye membranes, cellular repair of retina cells and helps heal eye inflammation.- BILBERRYBilberry has strong anti-oxidant properties that improve blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye health. Some studies indicate that it might help to prevent retinal inflammation and cataracts.- BETA CAROTENEBeta Carotene is a precursor of vitaminA, which we need for healthy skinand mucus membranes, our immunesystem, and good eye health and vision.- ZINCZinc prevents cellular damage in theeye retina, which helps in delaying theprogression of age-related vision loss.- BENEFITS:Support your eye health with anti-oxidant richingredients combined with Lutein and BetaCarotene. This soothing formula containsnutrients that helps to protect, maintain andimprove blood circulation to the eyes. It can beespecially beneficial for ageing eyes, continuouseye strain and dry eyes.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 tablet daily or as directed.Key FeaturesRich of vitamin A for skin, mucus membranes, and our immune systemImproves blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye healthHelps in delaying the progression of age-related vision lossSupport your eye health with anti-oxidant rich ingredientsHelps to prevent retinal inflammation and cataracts
Prostate Enlargement Pack
This prostate enlargement pack helps to shrink prostate back to normal size.*Health Benefits:* Prevents and treat Urinary tract infection in Men. Increases Sperm Count. Prevents Prostate issues Treats Prostate Enlargement Helps to Maintain normal testosterone Levels . Promote Sexual drive( increases urge for Sex) Supports the Urological System in Men. Relieves the Swelling of the Prostate gland.. Helps Easy Urination in Men. Invigorates the Male Reproductive Organs. Enhances Sexual performance(with rockgarde)Boosts the energy level of the body . A Complete Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement that provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health.Boost Overall Vitality and Health of Men. Increases Sperm Count. Removes stress and builds the body immune system in Men It prevents weak Erection and Premature Ejaculation Provide Overall Male reproductive well- being. It provides full anti- Oxidant Support to improve Sperm Shape and Size by preventing free radical damage to Sperm. It contains Selenium which has been proven to improve Sperm motility, Concentration and MorphologyPrevents blood pressureReduces cholesterol Serves as an Ideal tonic for menDIRECTIONS FOR USE: 40plus men: 1 tablet twice daily Omega plus: 2 capsules dailyAloe vite: half glass at night daily.Key FeaturesPROSTATE. Saw Palmetto is one of only 5 alternative medicines that aid in prostate cancer. HAIR LOSS Saw Palmetto has the power to stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which causes hair loss. TESTOSTERONE Saw Palmetto helps maintain normal testosterone levels and sex drive. UROLOGY Supports the urological system in men. Effective in improving urological symptoms and urine flowIMMUNITYGUT HEALTHBlood pressure regulatorHealthy Cholesterol What's In the Box1 40plus for men, 1 Aloevite1 Omega
Prostate Enlargement Pack
₦ 119,657.84
₦ 125,955.62
Defender Capsules (Grapeseed, Echinacea And Zinc)
Nafdac reg no: A7- 4051Defender Immune Booster with Grape SeedA herbal formula that strengthens the body's immune system to protect against disease.- Contains:GRAPESEEDGrapeseed is rich in antioxidants called flavanols that have been proven to help heart, bone, and skin health and promote quicker wound healing.CALCIUMCalcium helps maintain heart, bone, and teeth health. It also helps to maintain healthy alkaline ph levels in the body.ZINCZinc is important for heart and bone health and boosts immunity and energy.SELENIUMSelenium is one of the strongest free radical scavengers which boosts the immune system to protect the body against disease.- BENEFITS:This anti-oxidant rich formulation of vitamins C & E, Bio flavonoid, echinacea, zinc gluconate, calcium, Grape Seed Extract, and Selenium helps to boost the body's natural immune system, especially in time of chronic stress. The formula helps the body's ability to detoxify and neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals and harmful agents that can lead toKey FeaturesHelps heart, bone, and skin healthPromotes quicker wound healingHelps maintain heart, bone, and teeth healthMaintains healthy alkaline ph levels in the bodyBoosts the immune system to protect the body against disease
KARDIO GARDE (heart Assist With Vit K2 & D3)
Nafdac number A7 4052Optimize and support the health of your heart with this specially formulated product packed with an array of heart health nutrients. In addition to regular exercise, healthy diet and stress management, this product may help maintain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It may also support healthy blood circulation thereby assisting in heart health.INGREDIENTS:VITAMIN K2VITAMIN D3VITAMIN K2Vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism and heart health. In a Rotterdam scientific study spanning 7-10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease.VITAMIN D3A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovasular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.For high blood pressure: add Healthgarde African potato plus moringa, omega plus and Aloevite PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 12 years. If sensitive to iodine, consult doctor before use.Key FeaturesVITAMIN K2: vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calciummetabolism and heart health. In a Rotterdam scientific study spanning 7-10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease.VITAMIN D3: A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovasular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
40 Plus For Women (Hormonal Balancer)
Many symptoms of menopause and hormonal imbalance occur as a result of falling estrogen levels in the body, resulting in symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, hair loss, acne, failing bones and others.40 plus for women is a blend of soya Isoflavones, zinc, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, 10 vitamins and amino acids to give you balanced hormones.*SOYA ISOFLAVONESare a group of naturally occuring chemicals that mimic the overall shape of estrogen in the body. In many ways they can be thought of as plant-based oestrogen alternatives.-MENOPAUSESoya Isoflavins help to raise estrogen levels naturally in menopausal women and women suffering from hormonal imbalance which can experience a drastic estrogen reduction.-OSTEOPOROSISSoya Isoflavins help increase bone mineral density, especially women suffering from hormonal imbalance and menopausal symptoms thereby helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.-HEART HEALTH Soy contains omega-3 fats and essential polyunsaturated fats. Omega-3 fats are linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.-BLOOD PRESSURESoya contains amino acids that can help to promote heart health in women.*DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 tablet daily or as directed.*PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 18 years.Key Featuresthe promotion of heart health the maintenance of bone health in post-menopausal women as well as help to alleviate menopause symptomsPromotes ovulation Eases anxiety and depression Good anti aging supplementWhat's In the Box1 bottle of 40 plus for women
Stressgarde (stress Buster With B Vitamins)
Stress BusterREDUCE EFFECTS OF STRESS It has been proven that supplements with B-vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc can significantly improve mood and decrease anxiety. Stressgarde has a unique and comprehensive formula to help you cope better with the stresses of life.BENEFITS: B-complex vitamins can help to reduce fatigue, boost your mood and promote cognitive performance. Vitamin C helps to reduce stress because it allows the body to quickly clear out cortisol, a primary stress hormone that increases sugars in the bloodstream. Vitamin C helps to regulate cortisol and prevent blood pressure from spiking in response to stressful situations. Vitamin C and E are strong antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body that damage cells and stress and anxiety produce more free radicals. Nutritional information VITAMIN B COMPLEX: B-complex supplements relieve stress, boost cognitive performance and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, even in people without B vitamin deficiencies. B vitamins are also used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses and alcoholism. Vitamins are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health and promote a happy mood. CITRUS BIOFLAVANOIDS: Citrus bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants derived from citrus fruits. Like other antioxidants, these compounds reduce oxidative stress, which in turn reduces inflammation, pain, and your susceptibility to diseasesVITAMIN C CALCIUM CARBONATE MAGNESIUM OXIDE ZINC GLUCONATE L-TYROSINE VITAMIN E CHOLINE INOSITOL CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE POTASSIUM PHOSPHATESELENIUM DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 2 tablets daily or as directed.Key FeaturesMaintains a healthy nervous systemReduces stressBoosts mental performance Reduces inflammation Boosts energy levelsRich in antioxidants What's In the Box1 stressgarde.
40 Plus Capsule For Men (Prostate Vitality)
40 PLUS FOR MEN Saw Palmetto plant benefits have been known for a long time. The plant was used for medicine by the Native Americans of the South Eastern United States. In the early 20th century, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems and increase sperm production.BENEFITS: This complex multi-vitamin and mineral supplement provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health, which boost overall vitality and health, especially for men over the age of 40. It contains a combination of botanical ingredients such as Saw Palmetto to promote male vitality. It supports prostate and urinary tract health and is beneficial for men who suffer from prostate problems. Men with prostate issues should use with Aloe vite.INGREDIENTS CALCIUM CARBONATE PHOSPHORUS MAGNESIUM OXIDE VITAMIN C CHLORIDE SAW PALMETTO ALOE FERROX ZINC OXIDE NIACIN (VIT B3) IRON SULPHATE PANTOTHENIC ACID (VIT B5) VITAMIN A VITAMIN D3 MANGANESE PYRODOXINE (VIT B6) RIBOFLAVIN (VIT B2) VITAMIN E THIAMINE (VIT B1) COPPER FOLIC ACID (VIT B9) LUTEIN LYCOPENE BORON IODINE SELENIUMDIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 1 capsule daily or as directed.Key FeaturesPROSTATE. Saw Palmetto is one of only 5 alternative medicines that aid in prostate cancer. HAIR LOSS Saw Palmetto has the power to stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which causes hair loss. TESTOSTERONE Saw Palmetto helps maintain normal testosterone levels and sex drive. UROLOGY Supports the urological system in men. Effective in improving urological symptoms and urine flow.What's In the Box1 40plus for men
African P Plus Moringa (immune Booster And Malaria Buster)
Nafdac number: A7-4010LAfrican P+ moringa with 25 vitamins and minerals is a unique formula that harnesses the natural sterols (fats) and sterolins in African Potato to protect against heart disease in both men and women.*BENEFITS African P plus Moringa is a natural blend of African Potato, a medicinal plant that contains Sterols and Sterolins, combined with the nutritious Moringa Oleifera that is rich in anti-oxidants and bioactive plant compounds. This special formulation, combines the anti-inflammatory properties of African Potato and Moringa, which support the body's immune system, thereby assisting the body to heal itself and promoting overall wellness.-AFRICAN POTATOAfrican potato sterols and sterolins are phytochemicals in the African wild potato that have strong anti-oxidant properties that boost the immune system, decrease inflammation and helps reduce cholesterol.-MORINGA OLEIFERAMoringa is rich in many important nutrients, including protein, vitamin B6, Vitamin C, riboflavin, iron and anti-oxidants which fight inflammation. Sterols in moringa can also help to reduce cholesterol.-CAYENNE PEPPERInitial research indicates that capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper helps to relieve blood pressure.*DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 capsule daily or as directed.*PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 12 years.Key FeaturesBoosts Immune system Prevents heart disease in men and women Takes care of autoimmune diseasesFights cholesterolTake care of malaria and typhoidReduces high blood pressure when used with kardiogarde Fights inflammation Promote general wellness Anti- Allergies & asthmaAnti cancer (used in cancer care with Aloe, Buchu, defender, proB, marina spa & super cider plus)What's In the Box1 bottle of African P plus
Vagina Balance Probiotics
Nafdac number: A7-4011VAGINA FLORA AND BALANCE!!!Your vagina naturally hosts thousands of microorganisms, including "good" bacteria that help maintain health.A lack of this good bacteria (lactobacilli) and an overgrowth of some other microbe can cause an imbalance in the vagina. This imbalance can occur for a number of reasons, including when a woman:•has unprotected sex with a male partner•experiences changes in hormones•is having her period•does not maintain good hygiene habitsA vaginal imbalance can result in a:fishy odordischargediscomfortitchingNafdac number: A7-4011VAGINA FLORA AND BALANCE!!!Your vagina naturally hosts thousands of microorganisms, including "good" bacteria that help maintain health.A lack of this good bacteria (lactobacilli) and an overgrowth of some other microbe can cause an imbalance in the vagina. This imbalance can occur for a number of reasons, including when a woman:•has unprotected sex with a male partner•experiences changes in hormones•is having her period•does not maintain good hygiene habitsA vaginal imbalance can result in a:fishy odordischargediscomfortitchingKey FeaturesAIDS VAGINA BALANCEENHANCES NORMAL SMELLING VAGINAERADICATES BAD VAGINA SMELLPREVENTS INFECTIONBANISH DEPRESSION & ANXIETYSOOTHE SYMPTOMS OFIRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME
Vagina Balance Probiotics
₦ 37,020.60
₦ 38,969.05
Rockgarde Capsules For Men And Women
RockGarde Libido Booster For WEAK ERECTION, VAGINA DRYNESS AND LOW LIBIDOwith Kola Nut, Horny Goat Weed, ubagalanga and deer root.- KOLA NUTThe kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree indigenous to West Africa. The trees, which reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, produce a star-shaped fruit. Each fruit contains between two and five kola nuts. About the size of a chestnut.The kola nut has a bitter taste when chewed fresh. When they're dried, the taste becomes milder and they reportedly smell of nutmeg. The kola nut seeds areknown in African traditional medicine for improving sexual performance, which initial research supports.- HORNY GOAT WEEDHorny Goat Weed has a long history of use in traditional Eastern medicine.According to legend, its name came about because a goat herder noticed his flock became sexually stimulated after eating the plant. Horny Goat Weed improves focused blood circulation to genital areas which boosts libido.- BENEFITS:The caffeine and the romeine in the Kola Nut may speed up the heart rate, which increases circulation. Kola Nut can naturally stimulate the central nervous system, which may increase alertness and boost circulation and energy levels.Horny Goat Weed has a long history of use in traditional Eastern medicine to help improve low libido in men and women.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take one capsule an hour before action or as required. Not more than two per day. Do not overdose.- PRECAUTIONS:Not suitable for children under 18 years. Not to be taken by pregnant or lactating women, or those suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease.Key FeaturesImproves sexual performanceStimulates the central nervous systemIncreases alertness and boosts energy levelsImproves focused blood circulation to genital areasSpeeds up the heart rate, which increases circulationWhat's In the Boxrockgarde.
Calmeeze (calm And Sleep Booster) With Valerian
Nafdac number:A7-4300LCalm Booster A natural blend of ingredients to help you deal with the stress of a busy life. It will help you to feel calmer, without causing drowsiness.BENEFITS: VALERIAN:Valerian is a flowering plant native to Europe and parts of Asia and since ancient times. The root extract has been used to help the body produce a calming effect when stressed. Valerian has also been found to inhibit the breakdown of a chemical messenger, (GABA), in the brain, that helps regulate nerve impulses resulting in feelings of calmness and tranquility.CALCIUM:Calcium in muscle cells, nerve endings release calcium ions, which bind to activator proteins. These activator proteins initiate the complex process of muscle contraction and allows your muscles to move. Without calcium, your muscles would not be able to move smoothly or relax.DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 1 tablet daily at night or when moderately stressed; best taken at night before bed after a stressful day.Key FeaturesSMILE MORE BREATHE DEEPLY FOR A MINUTE CALL A FRIEND VISUALISE A HAPPY TIME LISTEN TO MUSIC GIVE SOMEONE A HUG GET ENOUGH SLEEP. What's In the Box1 Calmeeze
Fat Burner (Slimgarde CLA);
Fat Burner (CLA):Helps to reduce appetite and boost metabolism to help fat cells release fat that can be used for energy or excreted.Fat Burner features a blend of Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA) and L-Carnitine to help support weightloss. CLA has been shown in many clinical studies to support lean body composition. Fat Buster is more effective when taken as part of a healthy diet and exercise programme.CLACLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a natural fatty acid found in meat and dairy products. CLA helps your body build muscle rather than store fat and has anti-inflammatory properties that help inflamed fat cells release fat that can be used for energy or excreted. CLA is a weightloss accelerator.L-CarnitineAn amino acid that helps facilitate transfer of fatty acids out of cells for energy production: • Boosts your metabolism• Aids in muscle development• Boosts energy and endurance • Aids weight and cm loss. Key Features Boosts your metabolismAids in muscle developmentBoosts energy and endurance Aids weight and cm loss.Boosts flat tummy and slim waist What's In the Box1 fat Burner (CLA)
Fat Burner (Slimgarde CLA);
₦ 55,682.68
₦ 58,613.35
Optic Wellness (eye Defects And Clearer Vision)
Eye Garde, defender and omega plusA formula that helps boost eye health on a cellular level by promoting blood supply to eye membranes, cellular repair of retina cells and helps heal eye inflammation. Contains marigold (lutein extract), zinc oxide, vitamins E & C, beta carotene, selenium, lecithin and soya protein.- BILBERRYBilberry has strong anti-oxidant properties that improve blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye health. Some studies indicate that it might help to prevent retinal inflammation and cataracts.- BETA CAROTENEBeta Carotene is a precursor of vitaminA, which we need for healthy skinand mucus membranes, our immunesystem, and good eye health and vision.- ZINCZinc prevents cellular damage in theeye retina, which helps in delaying theprogression of age-related vision loss.- BENEFITS:Support your eye health with anti-oxidant rich ingredients combined with Lutein and BetaCarotene. This soothing formula containsnutrients that helps to protect, maintain and improve blood circulation to the eyes. It can be especially beneficial for ageing eyes, continuouseye strain and dry eyes.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Eyegarde 1 dailyDefender 2 dailyOmega plus1 dailyChildren (give kidgarde and eyegarde)Eyegarde 1 in 2 daysKey FeaturesRich of vitamin A for skin, mucus membranes, and our immune systemImproves blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye healthHelps in delaying the progression of age-related vision lossSupport your eye health with anti-oxidant rich ingredientsHelps to prevent retinal inflammation and cataractsWhat's In the Box1 bottle of Eyegarde.1 Omega plus 1 Defender
Eyesight Booster (With Billberry, Lutein & Beta Carotene)
Nafdac number: 4083Eye Garde Eyesight Booster with Billberry & Beta CaroteneA formula that helps boost eye health on a cellular level by promoting blood supply to eye membranes, cellular repair of retina cells and helps heal eye inflammation. Contains marigold (lutein extract), zinc oxide, vitamins E & C, beta carotene, selenium, lecithin and soya protein.- BILBERRYBilberry has strong anti-oxidant properties that improve blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye health. Some studies indicate that it might help to prevent retinal inflammation and cataracts.- BETA CAROTENEBeta Carotene is a precursor of vitaminA, which we need for healthy skinand mucus membranes, our immunesystem, and good eye health and vision.- ZINCZinc prevents cellular damage in theeye retina, which helps in delaying theprogression of age-related vision loss.- BENEFITS:Support your eye health with anti-oxidant rich ingredients combined with Lutein and BetaCarotene. This soothing formula containsnutrients that helps to protect, maintain and improve blood circulation to the eyes. It can be especially beneficial for ageing eyes, continuouseye strain and dry eyes.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 tablet daily or as directed.- PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 12 years. if you experience any eye problems like glaucoma etc get eye pack (eyegarde, Memogarde, Aloevite & defender).Key FeaturesRich of vitamin A for skin, mucus membranes, and our immune systemImproves blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye healthHelps in delaying the progression of age-related vision lossSupport your eye health with anti-oxidant rich ingredientsHelps to prevent retinal inflammation and cataractsWhat's In the Box1 bottle of Eyegarde.
KARDIO GARDE (for Blood Pressure)
Nafdac number A7 4052Optimize and support the health of your heart with this specially formulated product packed with an array of heart health nutrients. In addition to regular exercise, healthy diet and stress management, this product may help maintain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It may also support healthy blood circulation thereby assisting in heart health.INGREDIENTS:VITAMIN K2VITAMIN D3VITAMIN K2Vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism and heart health. In a Rotterdam scientific study spanning 7-10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease.VITAMIN D3A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovasular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.For high blood pressure: add Healthgarde African potato plus moringa, omega plus and Aloevite PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 12 years. If sensitive to iodine, consult doctor before use.Key FeaturesVITAMIN K2: vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calciummetabolism and heart health. In a Rotterdam scientific study spanning 7-10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease.VITAMIN D3: A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovasular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
What's In the BoxA bottle of kardiogarde contains 30 capsules.
Defender Capsules(grapeseed, Echinacea And Zinc)
Nafdac reg no: A7- 4051Defender Immune Booster with Grape SeedA herbal formula that strengthens the body's immune system to protect against disease.- Contains:GRAPESEEDGrapeseed is rich in antioxidants called flavanols that have been proven to help heart, bone, and skin health and promote quicker wound healing.CALCIUMCalcium helps maintain heart, bone, and teeth health. It also helps to maintain healthy alkaline ph levels in the body.ZINCZinc is important for heart and bone health and boosts immunity and energy.SELENIUMSelenium is one of the strongest free radical scavengers which boosts the immune system to protect the body against disease.- BENEFITS:This anti-oxidant rich formulation of vitamins C & E, Bio flavonoid, echinacea, zinc gluconate, calcium, Grape Seed Extract, and Selenium helps to boost the body's natural immune system, especially in time of chronic stress. The formula helps the body's ability to detoxify and neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals and harmful agents that can lead toKey FeaturesHelps heart, bone, and skin healthPromotes quicker wound healingHelps maintain heart, bone, and teeth healthMaintains healthy alkaline ph levels in the bodyBoosts the immune system to protect the body against disease
40 Plus For Men (prostate & Hormone Vitality)
40 PLUS FOR MEN Saw Palmetto plant benefits have been known for a long time. The plant was used for medicine by the Native Americans of the South Eastern United States. In the early 20th century, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems and increase sperm production.BENEFITS: This complex multi-vitamin and mineral supplement provides essential minerals and vitamins to help cellular health, which boost overall vitality and health, especially for men over the age of 40. It contains a combination of botanical ingredients such as Saw Palmetto to promote male vitality. It supports prostate and urinary tract health and is beneficial for men who suffer from prostate problems. Men with prostate issues should use with Aloe vite.INGREDIENTS CALCIUM CARBONATE PHOSPHORUS MAGNESIUM OXIDE VITAMIN C CHLORIDE SAW PALMETTO ALOE FERROX ZINC OXIDE NIACIN (VIT B3) IRON SULPHATE PANTOTHENIC ACID (VIT B5) VITAMIN A VITAMIN D3 MANGANESE PYRODOXINE (VIT B6) RIBOFLAVIN (VIT B2) VITAMIN E THIAMINE (VIT B1) COPPER VIT B9 LUTEIN LYCOPENE BORON IODINE SELENIUMDIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 1 capsule daily or as directed.Key FeaturesPROSTATE. Saw Palmetto is one of only 5 alternative medicines that aid in prostate cancer. HAIR LOSS Saw Palmetto has the power to stop the conversion of hormones into DHT, which causes hair loss. HORMONE Saw Palmetto helps maintain normal hormone levels and sex drive. UROLOGY Supports the urological system in men. Effective in improving urological symptoms and urine flow.What's In the Box1 40plus for men
RockGarde For Men And Women
Nafdac number: A7-4287RockGarde Libido Booster For Man & Womanwith Kola Nut & Horny Goat Weed- KOLA NUTThe kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree indigenous to West Africa. The trees, which reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, produce a star-shaped fruit. Each fruit contains between two and five kola nuts. About the size of a chestnut.The kola nut has a bitter taste when chewed fresh. When they're dried, the taste becomes milder and they reportedly smell of nutmeg. The kola nut seeds areknown in African traditional medicine for improving sexual performance, which initial research supports.- HORNY GOAT WEEDHorny Goat Weed has a long history of use in traditional Eastern medicine.According to legend, its name came about because a goat herder noticed his flock became sexually stimulated after eating the plant. Horny Goat Weed improves focused blood circulation to genital areas which boosts libido.- BENEFITS:The caffeine and the romeine in the Kola Nut may speed up the heart rate, which increases circulation. Kola Nut can naturally stimulate the central nervous system, which may increase alertness and boost circulation and energy levels.Horny Goat Weed has a long history of use in traditional Eastern medicine to help improve low libido in men and women.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take one capsule daily as required. Not more than two per day. Do not overdose.Key FeaturesImproves sexual performanceStimulates the central nervous systemIncreases alertness and boosts energy levelsImproves focused blood circulation to genital areasSpeeds up the heart rate, which increases circulation
RockGarde For Men And Women
₦ 29,031.69
₦ 30,559.67
Dia Garde Diabetes Fighter With Red Leaf Vine & Cinnamon
Dia Garde Diabetes Fighter with Red Leaf Vine & CinnamonA scientific herbal blend of ingredients to help regulate blood sugar levels naturally.Only effective when used in combination with healthy eating habits and lifestyle.- RED LEAF VINERed vine leaves are harvested when they achieve a rich red colour and have the highest content of antioxidant polyphenols.Their extracts are used medicinally for helping to reduce inflammation, especially within the circulatory system.- CINNAMONCinnamon can help manage diabetes type 2 by reducing blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivity.Certain compounds in cinnamon can imitate the effects of insulin and help regulate blood sugar, a function which is crucial for those living with diabetes.- BENEFITS:DiaGarde is a specially formulated nutritional supplement to benefit people who struggle with raised blood sugar levels, such as in the case of Diabetes. Cinnamon with Red Leaf Vine extracts help to stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby lowering the risk of cell damage that can be caused by consistent high blood sugar levels.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 tablet daily or as directed.- PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children below 12 years. This product is not intended to treat Diabetes but serves as nutritional support.Effective when taken with a healthy diet and lifestyle.Key FeaturesHelps regulate blood sugar levels naturallyBenefit people who struggle with raised blood sugar levelsReduces blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivityReduces inflammation, especially within the circulatory systemHelps to stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby lowering the risk of cell damage
Eye Care Health
HealthGarde EYE GARDE with Billberry & Beta Carotene with DEFENDER capsules are formula that generally helps boost eye health on a cellular level by promoting blood supply to eye membranes, as well as cellular repair of retina cells, and similarly, it helps heal eye inflammation.As a matter of fact, this product supports eye health with anti-oxidant-rich ingredients combined with Lutein, omega 3 as well as BetaCarotene. Additionally, this soothing formula contains nutrients that help to protect as well as maintain, at the same time improve blood circulation to the eyes. in fact It is specifically beneficial for aging eyes, as well as continuous eye strain, so also dry eyes.Generally, Eyegarde helps boost eye health on a cellular level by promoting blood supply to eye membranes, as well as cellular repair of retina cells similarly it helps heal eye inflammation. in the same way, it supports eye health with anti-oxidant-rich ingredients combined with Lutein and Beta Carotene.On the whole, it prevents cellular damage in the eye retina, in which case it helps in delaying the progression of age-related vision loss. This product enhances the skin and mucus membranes, as well as bo0st our immune system, similarly ensures good eye health and vision has strong anti-oxidant properties that improve blood circulation to the eye cells thereby boosting eye health. Over time studies indicate that it might help to prevent retinal inflammation as well as cataracts.Direction for useEye garde 1 capsule dailyDefender 2capsule dailyChildren:Eyegarde 1 capsule once in 3 daysKey FeaturesBoost eye healthPrevents cataractsTakes care of red and dry eyesTakes care of eye defects and infectionWhat's In the BoxEye garde and defender
Eye Care Health
₦ 81,598.68
₦ 85,893.35
Defender (with Grapeseed And Echinacea)
Nafdac number: A7- 4051Defender Immune BoosterA herbal formula that strengthens the body's immune system to protect against disease.- Contains:GRAPESEEDGrapeseed is rich in antioxidants called flavanols that have been proven to help heart, bone, and skin health and promote quicker wound healing.CALCIUMCalcium helps maintain heart, bone, and teeth health. It also helps to maintain healthy alkaline ph levels in the body.ZINCZinc is important for heart and bone health and boosts immunity and energy.SELENIUMSelenium is one of the strongest free radical scavengers which boosts the immune system to protect the body against disease.- BENEFITS:This anti-oxidant rich formulation of selected Vitamins, Minerals, Bioflavonoids, echinacea, Grape Seed Extract, and Selenium helps to boost the body's natural immune system, especially in time of chronic stress. The formula helps the body's ability to detoxify and neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals and harmful agents that can lead to disease.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 2 capsules daily or as directed.- PRECAUTIONS:Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children below 12 years.Key FeaturesHelps heart, bone, and skin healthPromotes quicker wound healingHelps maintain heart, bone, and teeth healthMaintains healthy alkaline ph levels in the bodyBoosts the immune system to protect the body against diseaseWhat's In the BoxDefender
Probiotics (PRO B) For Men And Women
PRO B Gut Protector 6 Billion CFUAlthough you can get probiotics from fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchee many find that taking a high-quality probiotic supplement makes the most sense. Probiotic supplements, or just probiotics are not just one kind of bacteria. Lactobacillus and Bifobacterium are the primary types, with many different species within each genus and many strains in each species. You want to ingest a variety of probiotics because different strains provide different health benefits.BENEFITS:A healthy gut ensures optimal absorption of all nutrients, including supplementation. This daily health probiotic formula containing 9-strains of probiotic flora that promotes gut health. 70% of the body's immune cells reside in the gut which needs to be healthy for these cells to operate optimally.- HEALTHY CHOLESTEROLThere is good evidence that certain probiotics, particularly Lactobacilli, can help reduce cholesterol. They do this by preventing formation and absorbtion of cholesterol as well as breaking it down.Incase of high cholesterol, use proB with omega plus, defender and Aloevite.- DEPRESSION & ANXIETYThere's a strong connection between your gut, which refers to your gastrointestinal tract, and your brain. This connection is called the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA).You can add Memorygarde and omega plus.- ULCERS & IBSProbiotics are living organisms that help restore balance to the bacteria in the digestive tract, ensuring optimal gut health. They also help with with treating ulcers (add Aloevite and marina spa)- IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTIONProbiotics regulate host innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating the functions of dendritic cells, macrophages, and T and B lymphocytes.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 capsule daily or as directedKey FeaturesERADICATE ULCERSPROMOTE HEALTHY CHOLESTEROLBANISH DEPRESSION & ANXIETYSOOTHE SYMPTOMS OFIRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROMEBOOST VAGINA BALANCEFOR PROSTATE VITALITYWhat's In the Box1 proB
Probiotics (Gut Protector )
Nafdac details: A7-4011PRO B Gut Protector 6 Billion CFUAlthough you can get probiotics from fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchee many find that taking a high-quality probiotic supplement makes the most sense. Probiotic supplements, or just probiotics are not just one kind of bacteria. Lactobacillus and Bifobacterium are the primary types, with many different species within each genus and many strains in each species. You want to ingest a variety of probiotics because different strains provide different health benefits.BENEFITS:A healthy gut ensures optimal absorption of all nutrients, including supplementation. This daily health probiotic formula containing 9-strains of probiotic flora that promotes gut health. 70% of the body's immune cells reside in the gut which needs to be healthy for these cells to operate optimally.- HEALTHY CHOLESTEROLThere is good evidence that certain probiotics, particularly Lactobacilli, can help reduce cholesterol. They do this by preventing formation and absorbtion of cholesterol as well as breaking it down.- DEPRESSION & ANXIETYThere's a strong connection between your gut, which refers to your gastrointestinal tract, and your brain. This connection is called the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA).- ULCERS & IBSProbiotics are living organisms that help restore balance to the bacteria in the digestive tract, ensuring optimal gut health. They also help with with treating ulcers.- IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTIONProbiotics regulate host innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating the functions of dendritic cells, macrophages, and T and B lymphocytes.- DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Take 1 capsule daily or as directedKey FeaturesERADICATE ULCERSPROMOTE HEALTHY CHOLESTEROLBANISH DEPRESSION & ANXIETYSOOTHE SYMPTOMS OFIRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROMEWhat's In the Box1 proB
Probiotics (Gut Protector )
₦ 54,580.21
₦ 57,452.85