Wreaths for a Wayfarer: An Anthology in Honour of Pius Adesanmi is an assemblage of original poems by established and emerging writers from Africa and other parts of the world. While some of the poets celebrate Pius Adesanmi, who died in the doomed Ethiopian Airline flight on March 10, 2019, others philosophically reflect on existence, mortality, immortality and/or offer hope for the living. In this memorably textured collection, the poets—who knew (or did not know the poet)—exorcise the pains of loss through provocative poems that pour out their beating hearts with passion.
Wreaths for a Wayfarer is written in divinely eloquent verses—to drums, gongs, flutes and songs—by many of the people of the world of words, in whose hearts the Wayfarer lives forever. It is a mammoth assemblage of kindred tongues—a commune of words—creating and recreating a new future from an unrelieved past and denounced present—around the archetypical wayfarer, whom in the plural singularity of 165 voices and singular plurality poetic form, they find themselves in organic oneness. I may have, but I cannot recall it, of a single volume thrust upon my hapless laps, by who else but Nduka Otiono, with such a climate of paradoxes—a synthetic Mass of threnody, elegy, requiems and hope, rebirth and redemption around a single living- dead—Pius Adebola Adesanmi—Igi dag bara j’eno otin,
a lone log that brews a pot of corn wine to intoxicating ferment.
Olu Obafemi
Pius Adesanmi was restless, waging intellectual war against the kind of ignorance that makes oppressed citizens worship their oppressors. Wreaths for a Wayfarer is both a poetic tribute and a remarkable contribution, to that all-important war through beautiful poetry. It is the fight for the enlightenment of all minds that are trapped in caves so they can hear and join the selfless battle for freedom from fiefdoms.
Obiageli Ezekwesili, former vice president of World Bank (Africa Region)