From the Manufacturer |
<h4 class="a-spacing-mini" style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin-top 0px; margin-right 0px; margin-left 0px; text-rendering optimizeLegibility; font-weight normal; font-size 17px; line-height 1.255; font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; color rgb(17, 17, 17); margin-bottom 6px !important;">CONNECT</h4><h5 class="a-spacing-mini a-color-secondary" style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin-top 0px; margin-right 0px; margin-left 0px; font-size 13px; line-height 19px; font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; margin-bottom 6px !important; color rgb(136, 136, 136) !important;">All new handles must be paired with the WII console to play the game.</h5><p style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin-top 0px; margin-right 0px; margin-left 0px; color rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; font-size 13px; margin-bottom 14px !important;">The method is simple the handle opens the battery cover, there is a red button, open the wii SD card slot, there is also a red button. You need to press the red button on the main unit first, then press the red button in the battery cover of the handle to synchronize, then press the handle A twice, and the handle only lights up one to prove that it is up. You can play the game normally.</p><h5 class="a-color-secondary" style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin 0px; font-size 13px; line-height 19px; font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; color rgb(136, 136, 136) !important;">Product Applicable Functions</h5><p style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin-top 0px; margin-right 0px; margin-left 0px; color rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; font-size 13px; margin-bottom 14px !important;">WII Precision Game Games that do not require a precision device can also be used. Some games must use an accelerator handle. Please pay attention to the player.</p><h3 class="a-spacing-mini" style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin-top 0px; margin-right 0px; margin-left 0px; text-rendering optimizeLegibility; font-size 17px; line-height 1.255; font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; color rgb(17, 17, 17); margin-bottom 6px !important;">About Charging</h3><p style="box-sizing border-box; padding 0px; margin 0px 0px 14px; color rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; font-size 13px;"></p><ul class="a-unordered-list a-vertical" style="box-sizing border-box; color rgb(170, 170, 170); font-family "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; font-size 13px; margin 0px 0px 18px 18px !important; padding 0px !important;"><li style="box-sizing border-box; list-style disc; overflow-wrap break-word; margin 0px !important;">The handle should be fully charged before it can be used to activate its bursting energy.</li><li style="box-sizing border-box; list-style disc; overflow-wrap break-word; margin 0px !important;">As shown, there are four lights on the right handle. When all four indicators are on, it means that the battery is full; when only one indicator is on, it means the battery is not enough and you need to charge it in time.</li></ul> |