High Quality White Electrode Pads For Tens Acupuncture Digital Therapy Machine Massager. This healthy pads can be used with digital therapy machine, slimming massager or other therapy machine. It brings relief to back pain, stiffen muscles and shoulder ache.Replacing the old pads with new healthy ones will make you more healthy.
Features: Suitable for various medium frequency electronic physiotherapy machines. Help to improve blood circulation, promote metabolism and eliminate fatigue. Self adhesive, high adhesive, snap-on, convenient to use and reusable. Useful and safe accessory for medical care. Specifications: Material: Silicone + Gel Size(1pc): 8 * 5.5 * 0.2cm / 3.1 * 2.2 * 0.1High Quality White Electrode Pads For Tens Acupuncture Digital Therapy Machine Massager. This healthy pads can be used with digital therapy machine, slimming massager or other therapy machine. It brings relief to back pain, stiffen muscles and shoulder ache.Replacing the old pads with new healthy ones will make you more healthy.
Features: Suitable for various medium frequency electronic physiotherapy machines. Help to improve blood circulation, promote metabolism and eliminate fatigue. Self adhesive, high adhesive, snap-on, convenient to use and reusable. Useful and safe accessory for medical care. Specifications: Material: Silicone + Gel Size(1pc): 8 * 5.5 * 0.2cm / 3.1 * 2.2 * 0.1
Key Features
For Body message and Relaxation
Healthy Electrode pads
For Body Massage Acupuncture therapy
Application for pain relief of lower back pain, Stiffen muscles and Shoulder ache.