Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, a collaboration between Capcom and Vancouver-based studio Slant 6 Games, is scheduled for release this winter. This latest offering will take the series in a whole new direction and offer a style of play that cannot yet be seen from the franchise. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City offers a true third-person team-based shooting experience within the dark and sinister Resident Evil universe.
The setting of the Resident Evil universe not only provides a rich backdrop to the action, but offers a unique and exciting triple threat battle. Zombies and bio-organic weapons (BOW) add to the mix as players not only compete against the opposite team on their team, They also address this unpredictable third element that could only exist in the twisted Resident Evil universe, creating a new style of play and breaking the conventions of traditional team-based shooters.
It's September 1998 and the action centers on the unlucky Raccoon City and the dire consequences of the deadly T-virus outbreak. With required cover, Umbrella orders an elite team in Raccoon City to destroy all evidence of the outbreak and eliminate to any survivor. Meanwhile, the United States government has quarantined the city and dispatched its own team of elite soldiers to determine the source of the mysterious outbreak. Players take on the role of an Umbrella Security Service (USS) soldier,