Experience the latest chapter in the Metal Gear Solid V franchise, which takes place nine years after the events of Ground Zeroes and the fall of Mother Base, resuming the story in 1984 with the Cold War shaping a global crisis.
Embark on a revenge-driven journey and pursue the shadow group, XOF, as Snake, a.k.a. Big Boss, who has just awoken from a near-decade-long coma.
Enjoy complete, ultimate freedom in how you approach missions and immerse yourself in a new level of tactical gameplay thanks to the open-world game design.
Explore mature, challenging themes, such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that choose to engage in its vicious cycle, as you unfold layers of cinematic, compelling storytelling.
Enter a stunningly realistic world with photorealistic visual fidelity, powered by the Fox Engine.
Extend your experience beyond your console to other devices with online connectivity, which allows you to augment the overall functionality and access to the game
Key Features
Experience the latest chapter in the Metal Gear Solid V franchise, which takes place nine years after the events of Ground Zeroes and the fall of Mother Base, resuming the story in 1984 with the Cold War shaping a global crisis.
Embark on a revenge-driven journey and pursue the shadow group, XOF, as Snake, a.k.a. Big Boss, who has just awoken from a near-decade-long coma.
Enjoy complete, ultimate freedom in how you approach missions and immerse yourself in a new level of tactical gameplay thanks to the open-world game design.
Explore mature, challenging themes, such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that choose to engage in its vicious cycle, as you unfold layers of cinematic, compelling storytelling.
Enter a stunningly realistic world with photorealistic visual fidelity, powered by the Fox Engine.
Extend your experience beyond your console to other devices with online connectivity, which allows you to augment the overall functionality and access to the game