This book is centered on everything about
sexual and
reproductive health, plus
facts &
myths about
early and late marriage including
the role of age in marriage healthiness and every other thing regarding it!
It talks about the intimate parts of male and female reproductive system, & simply details the issue of sex, effect of age on human reproduction, changes in reproductive organs and more. It is written in a succinct, modest and yet so mannered that is non-irritating to the target readers.
This book gives the true definition of AGE IS NOT JUST A NUMBER. The challenges faced by most couples ranging from
genotype issues, rhesus, abnormal sexual behaviors are deeply explained, provided with respective solutions and preventions. It is a solo guide for every young man or woman about to get married on what to know not only about yourself but also your partner medically. As well as for married couple going through medical related issues in there marriage and for those that will like to prevent against such crises.
…this is why it is titled Medical View on Early and Late Marriage ― YOUR MARITAL HEALTH SAVIOUR.
It was written by top three Nigerian medical doctors and was written having you in mind!
The secretive information in this book has been deployed a number of persons, which has helped them to…
- Transform their home from a sorrowful ground into a fruitful happy family in 3 months flat… ( they became so jealous of and suspicious by their neighbors)
- Make perfect choice that they never regret for once!
- Finally have peace of mind and enjoy better sexual life (…after being a regular customer in hospitals)
- Learn pros and cons of all contracept**e methods and also options for safe child-birth control (This is one of the most common issue young couples in Nigeria faced!
- Plan a successful and healthy future with their beloved partner before their wedding!
- Save themselves and their offspring from emotional, mental, financial stress that comes along with issues of congenital birth defects, hereditary diseases, venerable diseases etc...
- Do you want to know the best age range to get married and start bearing children?
- Are you a student looking forward to have a spouse but looking for the safest method to delay childbirth and continue enjoying good intimacy?
- Is your wedding in next few weeks and want to know the right pre marital steps you need to take medically and fast?
- Are you a married man or married woman who have serious issue with conceiving and you want to know what the problem is?
- Are you a young couple that's eager to know method to use for detecting pregnancy a very early stage (…without using PT strip)
- Are you a young guy or lady who's shy of going to a doctor or a counselor but desperately in need of answers to your questions about your sexuality?
- Are you worried about your blood type or genotype and really desperate to know who's compatible for you?
- Is your wife pregnant and you want to know her Expected Date of Delivery (…nurses might mix things up and give you wrong date!
- Are you a lady that wants to understand the complete story of her monthly cycle and take full control of how her cycle operate, ranging from the length, duration, next flow date?
- Are you scared of breast cancer because you have a family history of it and you will like to escape it at all cost? Together with other reproductive health issues?
- Are you inquisitive enough to grab every info around you and have more knowledge?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions……then you should try out this “secret guide” specially made for you.
The incredible part is…. this book is FREE.We'll also pay for the delivery and handling cost, and all we ask is that you help us cover the small branding fee…And we'll send it anywhere in the country! Irrespective of any corner you are.But this is not just all, see other bonuses I've put in place for you...
: Another book titled "The Baby Gender You Want" : How to give birth to the kind of gender you desire, using simple, tested and trusted steps, tips & tricks!
FREE BONUS #2 : Video On Family Planning Methods And How To Conceive After Use
: Have Yourself In Our Private Consultation Room Without Actually Leaving Your Own Person Comfort Zone... And Get All Your Medical Questions Answered — Valid For One Month!
FREE BONUS #4 : PDF of #1 Best Selling Book — Your Brain on P*rn: Internet P*rn*graphy and the Emerging Science of Addiction
FREE BONUS #5 : Brand New eBook titled "5 Critically Alarming Things You Must Know About Your Partner Before Settling Down With Them"
So, why not “Add to Cart” now and have all these Marital Health Guiding Manuals in your possession.
Key Features
The 4-premarital-screening secrets known to human, you MUST absolutely do immediately before setting up a family (These are often neglected by most counselors) — Page 104
Find out what the strongest relationship between the biological clock and ovarian tumors — Page 64
The #1 biggest mistake made by all Sperm Producers! This mistake is costing every man a fortune in losing and damaging sperm cells potency— Page 12
The buried truth about Male Menopause (the one thing about andrology that can't find anywhere on the internet) — Page 10
Condom is doing more harm than good… see how condoms can cause CAEPs making you end up with erection weakness and leave your V opened to infections! — Page 41
What you must ABSOLUTELY discover about Fibroid. If you don't know this, your fertility is gone for good! — Page 84
Best period for sex to expect or prevent pregnancy (Safe and Fertile Period perfect calculator without using any Test Kit or App!) — Page 130
The UNIVERSAL agreed upon age to get married as a man or woman (…and why it can be dangerous for you to go against it!) — Page 128
The one & only possible way to beat breast cancer that practically shows you the step you can take to drift away from breast cancer even if you have the family history — Page 53
The secret of "G-Spot" that'll constantly leave your wife vulnerable to pleasure — Page 49
The Top and Leading cause of miscarriage in today's world (…you'll scream when you find out! — Page 110
Why you should NOT follow what people say about early and late marriage and how it can ruin your marriage if you do so — Page 34
What's In the Box
- 130+ Pages Detailed Explanations
- Case Studies
- In-Depth Videos Explainers
- Beautiful High-Resolution Illustrating Images
- Medical Way Of Giving Birth To The Gender You Want
- You will get to know the simple procedure without using any pill or external agent
- It will be explained to you in the simple language you understand and you can start applying it from now!
- You'll also discover your unique Almighty formulae of calculating your ovulation period, cycle length, date of next flow... that never fails!
- Pain-Free Birth Control methods explained!
- Effects Of Every Contracept** Methods
- Durability of all contraception
- Answer to ovulation during early stage of pregnancy
- Online consultancy services for 1 Month
- One-On-One Questions & Answers
- Free Direct Message Chat With Doctors
- Effect of Pornography on your Brain
- Live case studies of p*rn addictions and solutions