Kingdom Hearts III is a 2019 developed and published by for the , , and later . It is the twelfth installment in the series, and serves as a conclusion of the "Dark Seeker Saga" story arc that began with the original game. Set after the events of , returning protagonist is joined by , , and in their search for seven guardians of light as they attempt to thwart 's plan to bring about a second Keyblade War. Their journey has them cross paths with characters and visit worlds based on different and .
Concepts for Kingdom Hearts III began as early as 2005 after the release of in Japan, with the game's development not being announced until 2013, following years of rumors and speculation. The game features recurring gameplay elements from the series, while expanding to five characters total, introducing new "Attraction Flow" attacks that incorporate various attractions, and including inspired by classic Mickey Mouse cartoons in the style of 1980s games.
Kingdom Hearts III was released worldwide in January 2019, and was met with generally positive reviews from critics. It sold over five million copies within its first week of release, becoming both the fastest-selling and best-selling game in the series' history. A expansion of the game titled Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind was released on January 23, 2020 for PlayStation 4, and on February 25, 2020 for Xbox One. A port was released on March 30, 2021, along with all other games in the franchise