BIGGER SIZE MALE ENHANCEMENT increases nitric oxide production, the substance that boosts blood flow and widens your blood vessels.
Stimulating blood flow to your genitals increases the size and duration of your erections and improves stamina.
Increased blood flow overall augments your energy levels so that you last longer in bed.
These pills also boost testosteroe levels, which is the male sexual hormone that plays a primary role in reproduction and sexual development. As a result, men who take male enhancement pills with testosteron also experience increased strength and stamina, which can benefit their performance in the bedroom.
Carefully formulated and contains ;
Early research suggests that taking this same product by mouth for 1-2 months can increase libido and erections in people who are infertile due to low levels of testosterne (hypogonadism). Other research suggests that taking a specific tribulus product (Tribestan) by mouth for 30 days improves sperm count, sperm movement, and volume of ejaculate in people with infertility due to low sperm count and reduced sperm movement.
Tongkat is a traditional Asian remedy for male sexual performance. Tongkat literally means “Alis' walking stick,” which makes reference to its aphrodisiac effects.
Best known for boosting mental power, the leaf extract of "the oldest tree known to man" is also being used to treat impotence in men, increasing the body's ability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation.
Some studies show that ginkgo enhances the effects of nitric oxide, which helps relax artery walls, allowing more blood flow into the penis.
Like ginkgo, ginseng also increases nitric oxide levels and thus is helpful for erectile dysfunction. It appears to have an effect on the dopamine system too and this can help women as well as men.
Butea superba is a shrub native to Thailand, India, and Vietnam that is believed to have aphrodisiac properties. Used in traditional Thai medicine, the roots of Butea superba contain compounds said to improve sexual performance, treat erectile dysfunction, and even boost sperm counts.
Key Features
Boosts testosteroe
Better stamina
Penis enlarging
Overall male sexual wellness