This bike is simple for your child to ride on their own with adult supervision. It is battery operated with power motor, Foot accelerator & brake. Smooth and enjoyable ride with life-like features and durable body construction which provides miles of enjoyment for children.
Ride on toy vehicles, ride on driving can be a very
fun and exciting experience for your children.
It gives the feeling of freedom and adventure to anyone behind the wheel.
For children, it can be a perfect way to help them learn and develop their motor skills.
The vehicles are STRICTLY NOT for use on public highways, inclines, sand, slippery, soft or uneven terrain. Use only on flat terrain and avoid driving through rain puddles. Do NOT allow children to handle batteries or remove them from the vehicle. NEVER allow child to drive vehicle unless supervised by an adult.
NEVER start the car without ensuring the child is properly seated. AVOID vehicle collisions with persons and objects at all times.
Do NOT change forward/reverse gear without vehicle coming to a complete stop. When not in use do NOT park vehicle outside in high temperatures or near flammable areasThis bike is simple for your child to ride on their own with adult supervision. It is battery operated with power motor, Foot accelerator & brake. Smooth and enjoyable ride with life-like features and durable body construction which provides miles of enjoyment for children.
Ride on toy vehicles, ride on driving can be a very
fun and exciting experience for your children.
It gives the feeling of freedom and adventure to anyone behind the wheel.
For children, it can be a perfect way to help them learn and develop their motor skills.
The vehicles are STRICTLY NOT for use on public highways, inclines, sand, slippery, soft or uneven terrain. Use only on flat terrain and avoid driving through rain puddles. Do NOT allow children to handle batteries or remove them from the vehicle. NEVER allow child to drive vehicle unless supervised by an adult.
NEVER start the car without ensuring the child is properly seated. AVOID vehicle collisions with persons and objects at all times.
Do NOT change forward/reverse gear without vehicle coming to a complete stop. When not in use do NOT park vehicle outside in high temperatures or near flammable areasThis bike is simple for your child to ride on their own with adult supervision. It is battery operated with power motor, Foot accelerator & brake. Smooth and enjoyable ride with life-like features and durable body construction which provides miles of enjoyment for children.
Ride on toy vehicles, ride on driving can be a very
fun and exciting experience for your children.
It gives the feeling of freedom and adventure to anyone behind the wheel.
For children, it can be a perfect way to help them learn and develop their motor skills.
The vehicles are STRICTLY NOT for use on public highways, inclines, sand, slippery, soft or uneven terrain. Use only on flat terrain and avoid driving through rain puddles. Do NOT allow children to handle batteries or remove them from the vehicle. NEVER allow child to drive vehicle unless supervised by an adult.
NEVER start the car without ensuring the child is properly seated. AVOID vehicle collisions with persons and objects at all times.
Do NOT change forward/reverse gear without vehicle coming to a complete stop. When not in use do NOT park vehicle outside in high temperatures or near flammable areas
Key Features
Its a ride on bike which gives full support for balancing the bike.
Battery Operated Motorcycle
Uses Rechargeable batteries
Perfect for ages 37monnths to 95months
Electric Rechargeable Battery Operated Ride on Bike
Strong and Durable
REALISTIC FEATURES - This electric motorcycle for kids has both forward and , headlights.
What's In the Box
Children Electric Bike