'A.O.T. Wings of Freedom' closely follows the riveting story line of Attack on Titan's first season and focuses on the exploits of various key characters, putting the player in a position to relive the anime's most shocking, courageous, and exhilarating moments. It revolves around the story of three young people who survive the destruction of their walled city district by enormous, man-eating Titans and eventually go on to join the Scout Regiment in order to protect humanity from this overpowering foe.
The game retells key moments from the manga (chapters 1 through 33), which are also covered by the of the , in addition to new scenarios involving the key characters.
In 845, when Eren was just 10 years old, the "Colossal Titan" suddenly appeared. Large enough to breach the Wall, it allowed other Titans to rampage through the city. One of them ate Carla, Eren's mother. With the so-called "Armored Titan" now preventing access, Wall Maria was abandoned and humanity were forced to fall back to Wall Rose. Having lost his family, his home and his dreams, Eren swore revenge on the Titans. Aiming to become a member of the Scout Regiment, he joined the "104th Cadet Corps."