Pure cocoa powder shows evidence in cancer, cardiovascular diseases prevention...
Going by the taste of pure cocoa powder, many fun seekers will dislike it, because of its bitter nature. However, recent studies have shown that pure cocoa powder is a power food item packed with antioxidants, phytochemicals, minerals and the building blocks of neurotransmitters with far-reaching implications for treating cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases.
Theobromacacoa, the scientific name of the plant from which raw cocoa is made and the main ingredient in chocolate, literally means “food of the gods.” It is a famous plant with a lengthy and rich history; a symbol of love that cuts across cultures; and other “feel good” hormones.
Lowers Blood Pressure: Through randomised controlled trials, many researchers, including Fisher et al. in the Journal of Hypertension and Taubert et al. in JAMA have demonstrated that habitual cocoa intake lowers blood pressure via its high arginine content and the nitric oxide pathway.
Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases: Lowering blood pressure reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke. Other protective mechanisms cocoa can offer against cardiovascular disease come from its potent antioxidant profile. The flavonoids in cocoa raise HDL, the “good” cholesterol and both lower and protect L
Prevents Diabetes:One of the most deadly complications from diabetes mellitus (type II diabetes) is heart disease. Cocoa protects us from these complications and also helps to promote insulin sensitivity.
Prevents Diabetes:One of the most deadly complications from diabetes mellitus (type II Dia).
betes) is heart disease. Cocoa protects us from these complications and also helps to promote insulin sensitivity.
DL or “bad” cholesterol from being oxidized (damaged by free radicals) in the blood, which helps fight against plaque formation