Weedoff (paraquats) a contact weedkiller for the control of wide broad leaf and grasses in arable land. It is a weed control chemicals which kills instantly while undergoing operation, A non-selective contact herbicide for the control of stubborn, annual and perennial grasses and brad-leaved weeds. Formulated for Agricultural Uses OnlyWeedoff (paraquats) a contact weedkiller for the control of wide broad leaf and grasses in arable land. It is a weed control chemicals which kills instantly while undergoing operation, A non-selective contact herbicide for the control of stubborn, annual and perennial grasses and brad-leaved weeds. Formulated for Agricultural Uses OnlyWeedoff (paraquats) a contact weedkiller for the control of wide broad leaf and grasses in arable land. It is a weed control chemicals which kills instantly while undergoing operation, A non-selective contact herbicide for the control of stubborn, annual and perennial grasses and brad-leaved weeds. Formulated for Agricultural Uses Only
Key Features
Quickly kill weeds & grasses.
It kills annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds.
Biannual and perennial grasses and broad leaved weeds.
Quality product
Formulated for Agricultural Uses Only.
It is effective and efficient