Adire textile is the indigo-dyed cloth made in southwestern Nigeria by Yoruba women, using a variety of resist-dyeing techniques. This textile is rich in beauty and culture as much as it has a rich history.
DescriptionAdire fabrics - 5 yards- Classy- Unique- Elegant- Material: 100% cotton, This Adire Fabric preserves it'sinitial color and texture even after numerous wash. Suitable inall kinds of beautiful styles for occasions and casual wares.You can also get this as a gift for relatives, friends, colleaguesand bosses also suitable for ASO-EBI. Beautiful traditionalAfrican fabric, part of the famous. High quality 100% cotton.Suitable to be used for wrapper. This Adire Fabric preservesit's initial color and texture even after numerous wash.Suitable in all kinds of beautiful styles for occasions andcasual wares. You can also get this as a gift for relatives,friends, colleagues and bosses also suitable for ASO-EBI.Beautiful traditional African fabric, part of the famous. Highquality 100% cotton. Suitable to be used for wrapper, ThisAdire Fabric preserves it's initial color and texture even afternumerous wash. Suitable in all kinds of beautiful styles foroccasions and casual wares. You can also get this as a gift forrelatives, friends, colleagues and bosses also suitable forASO-EBI. Beautiful traditional African fabric, part of thefamous. High quality 100% cotton. Suitable to be used for wrapper.