Ogbuta 4 minute A+B adhesive is a quick dry multipurpose adhesive, with the two part made strong and long-lasting toughness. It's easy to use, knead evenly by hand to bond. Great plasticity, as you can imagine you can set the shape with you. It had an excellent bonding capacity, with a wide range of bonding materials.it can be used in stones, woods, ceramics, glass, cement, plastic and various metals etc.
it can also repair sealing and plugging of automobiles and motorcycles part such as oil leakage, water leakage, steam leakage, and joint leakage due to sand holes and cracks in cylinder block, cylinder head, fuel tanks, water tanks, and oil and Gass pipelines, the exhaust pipe, rupture, and others can be completely repaired.
It is apply by mixing the A tune with the B tube and use the plastic mixer in the pack to mix very well and apply to the repair parts. it is advisable to clean up the surface of the area to repair before you apply 4minute adhesive for it to work effectively.