Finest Blend Whiskey 75cl
Long DescriptionWilliam Lawson's Finest Blend Scotch Whisky is perfectly balanced, like great scotch should be.This scotch liquor is blended with strong malts and grain whiskies for a big, bold flavor.Created in 1849 by William Lawson, this blended scotch alcohol does things differently, with none of the peat or smoke of more traditional scotch.This single malt scotch delivers notes of toasted cereal, juicy apple and chewy toffee.Sip William Lawson's Finest Blend neat in a whisky glass, on the rocks, or in alcohol drinks like a William Lawson's & Coke.Enjoy William Lawson's Responsibly.Short DescriptionThe rulebook.It's something William Lawson never had a use for.Except as a doorstop. Or for swotting midges (they grow big around here).Because the whisky he created in 1849 did things differently.It used Scottish malts, but none of the peat or smoke of more traditional Scotch.Even today, unlike the rest, we ferment our Macduff Glen Deveron single malt for a short time and distill it fast.Then blend it with strong malts and grain whiskies for a big, bold flavour.Yes, we still do things our way, nobody else's. William himself would approve.Tasting NoteNothing to stop you enjoying its big, bold fruity flavour. Its taste of toasted cereal. Hint of juicy apple. And dollop of chewy toffee. But don't just take our word, take a sip. Or two.Key FeaturesWilliam Lawson's Finest Blend Scotch WhiskyPerfectly balanced scotch whisky created in 1849Featuring notes of toasted cereal, juicy apple and chewy toffeeScotch liquor blended with strong malts and grain whiskies for a big, bold flavorBest served in your favorite whisky glass neat, on the rocks or in a William Lawson's & Coke cocktailWilliam Lawson's Finest Blend is 40% alcohol by volume
Finest Blend Whiskey 75cl
₦ 10,066.03
₦ 10,595.82