Finest Scotch Whiskey 70cl
Start off your night with the first of the Ballantine's Family. We've stayed true to the authentic recipe since 1910-blending 40 different whisky's in each bottle. The result is a balance of subtle, sweet red apple and milk chocolate with a smooth vanilla finish. We don't think there's any improving this blend, taste it to find out why.Two centuries, five Master Blenders and one uncompromising standard of excellence. That's the Ballantine's story, and we're sticking to it. We can trace our roots all the way back to 1827 when our founder George Ballantine first opened his store in Edinburgh. Since then, we've travelled all over the world and are now the No.2 selling Scotch whisky globally thanks to our diverse range of quality, blended whiskies, that are perfect to drink how you like.Consumption Tips: There's no wrong way to enjoy Finest, try it with Cola, Lemonade or Ginger Ale- it goes with just about everything so you can drink it how you like. Just grab your friends, some cubed ice and get mixing. Enjoy.Key FeaturesTaste: A balance of subtle, sweet flavors like milk chocolate, red apple and vanilla.Nose: Soft, elegant, heather honey aromas with a hint of spice.Colour: Light goldFinish: Fresh and floral after-taste that creates a rounded glow.
Finest Scotch Whiskey 70cl
₦ 13,053.87
₦ 13,740.92