Both tortoise and turtle eat this feed. This 100 gram feed can serve a 3 to 4 inches tortoise / turtle for 3 to 6 month. with 4 to 5 grains twice a day.
Tortoise/ tuttle also eat salad foods like cabbage, carrot etc. Though it vary from one tortoise/ turtle to another. But this is a feed most tortoise/ turyle will eat. Best for stand by feed while other feed are tried or supplimented with this.
All tortoise/ turtle stays in land and water. One type stays more in water and another more in land. But both can survive in both land and water thus they are amphibians. They can be kept in a fish bowl and aqaurium or in any vessel. Wet or dry or a section wet and a section dry. Or swap location from wet to dry ones in a while.
Unlike some aqaurium fishes They have a very long life span and a very low mortality ( death ) rate.
Its not advisable to keep tortoise/ turtle inside the same vessel where a fish is kept cos they are musch more stronger and in some occassion harm the fishes. They can be kept in a seperate fish bowl, aqaurium or containers as individual or pair.
Tortoise are very easy to maintain.