Removes thick, hard skin.
Scholl Instant Hard Skin Remover is a revolutionary way to remove thick, hard skin. Ergonomically designed for comfortable and easy use. With safe blade technology to provide safe and effective removal of hard skin, helping you to achieve professional results at home.
Scholl Instant Hard Skin Remover uses safety blade technology to effectively remove hard skin, allowing you achieve great resultsat home. Directions and Ingredients: -Apply appropriate force and scrape metal heads over hard skin to remove. -Scape in a back and forth motion over theskin and see your hard skin come away. -Rinse under warm water to clean. -For best results, soften hard skin -withScholl Hard Skin Softening Cream prior to scraping.

Directions and Ingredients Apply appropriate force and scrape metal heads over hard skin to remove. Scape in a back and forth motion over the skin and see your hard skin come away. Rinse under warm water to clean. For best results, soften hard skin with Scholl Hard Skin Softening Cream prior to scraping.